I Think (Blame It On The Mouthbreather)


aka Variaxman
Heres a real stupid one I came up with while working on some bass guitar tones for my PODHD 500 .....just kinda came up with the "lyrics" on the fly....cant sing so kinda spoken wordish

Streaming link:
MP3 Player SoundClick


I Think Simpletons
are a huge problem
I Think Shoe Gazers
are too much on my mind
I Think Hipsters
have got a lot to do
with why the world sucks
But what can you do?

Like a blue rain,
beating down on me
Like a Poe line,
That’s stuck in my brain
Like Squabzilla's ass,
it fills the horizon
Like Wanna bes
are the next big thing

Blame it on the Mouth Breathers
Blame it on the Mouth Breathers
Blame it on the Mouth Breathers
Blame it on the Mouth Breathers

Weekend heros
make me feel like a child
I Think shoulda beens
Are so last year
But what can you do?
I said what can you do?
Like a blue rain,
beating down on me
Like a Poe line,
That’s fried in my brain
Like Squabzilla's ass
It fills the horizon
I Think Wanna bes
are the next big thing

Blame it on Mouth Breathers
Blame it on Mouth Breathers
Blame it on Mouth Breathers
Blame it on Mouth Breathers
Hey queepy, this is a cool tune. The vocals work well and the processing on them in both the verse and chorus works well. I think the mix could do with some work though - the bass is either a little too loud or could do with some problem frequencies eq-ing out to my ears and the main clangy rhythm guitar is a bit lacking in colour. I don't know whether it's because the bass is masking some frequencies, but I reckon it could sound fuller. Also, I'd bring the vocals up a touch. Fun listen.
Hey queepy, this is a cool tune. The vocals work well and the processing on them in both the verse and chorus works well. I think the mix could do with some work though - the bass is either a little too loud or could do with some problem frequencies eq-ing out to my ears and the main clangy rhythm guitar is a bit lacking in colour. I don't know whether it's because the bass is masking some frequencies, but I reckon it could sound fuller. Also, I'd bring the vocals up a touch. Fun listen.

Thanks rob, you know I was really happy with the bass tone on its own...using a rikenbacker 2001.....wanted a real punchy/growly type sound, but it has been hard for me to fit it in the mix...I have 2 tracks of rhythm guitar, one is a leslie type sound while the other is pretty much a dry crunchy thing, they are panned hard left and right and pretty much the same level wise, I did cut some low end from both to try and avoid conflict with the bass guitar, maybe that has made them somewhat lacking? This was my 1st mix of the song so I appreciate the feedback, will continue to work on it, thanks for listening!
Hey queepy I love your stuff. This has got some mix problems though. For one the bass is stomping all over the kick. I dig the bass tone, but it could be dropped some to bring the kick way up. The whole thing is a little light in the bottom end. The guitars sound really cool. The vocal processing does not work for me though. I can't make out any of the words without reading along. Too much...just whatever it is. Compression, distortion, doubling, reverb, delay, whatever. It's just too much. Cool song though.
Hey queepy I love your stuff. This has got some mix problems though. For one the bass is stomping all over the kick. I dig the bass tone, but it could be dropped some to bring the kick way up. The whole thing is a little light in the bottom end. The guitars sound really cool. The vocal processing does not work for me though. I can't make out any of the words without reading along. Too much...just whatever it is. Compression, distortion, doubling, reverb, delay, whatever. It's just too much. Cool song though.
Too much...just whatever it is. Compression, distortion, doubling, reverb, delay, whatever. It's just too much. :facepalm::D, yeah man guility of all that plus some:facepalm:...I always go crazy with the vocals/effects as I cant sing...I tried to dry them up some for this next mix....Also tried to address the bass/kick thing....not sure its any better but here is my newest mix(link at top also plays newest:
MP3 Player SoundClick
I think the bass could maybe benefit from being a little fatter...it's pretty bitey for the song and it seems like the timing floats around a little during the choruses when that busyish poppy slappy stuff. Really dig the song though and all the other sounds. I personally like the vocals on this one a lot... I guess I'm hearing the second mix. Cool tune, great job!

I wasn't sure what wasn't sitting right with me for about half the song. It just seemed really dark. After reading everyone's comments, yeah, I think it's too much bass. Bump the bass down a bit and bring up the rhythm guitars.
It think the tone you have on the r-guitars is pretty good. They're not stepping on the bass's frequencies.
This is immersive. Fantastic instrumentation. Generally I find the lyrics buried too much, less so in the 2nd verse but especially on the "Blame it on the mouth breathers"
fat fleet: I think the bass could maybe benefit from being a little fatter...it's pretty bitey for the song and it seems like the timing floats around a little during the choruses when that busyish poppy slappy stuff. Really dig the song though and all the other sounds. I personally like the vocals on this one a lot... I guess I'm hearing the second mix. Cool tune, great job!

Hey FF agree about bass, one of my favorite bass tones is Chris Squire "Fragile" era , kinda shooting for that, but in my newest mix I tried to kinda tame it a bit ...think I may redo the whole bass track, as the timing is a little "loose" at times for the bass breaks....I do like that on the verge of losing it vibe tho so we'll see....Dug that video, have never heard of that band, will have to check out some more, my type of thing it seems....Thanks for listening!

VHS:I wasn't sure what wasn't sitting right with me for about half the song. It just seemed really dark. After reading everyone's comments, yeah, I think it's too much bass. Bump the bass down a bit and bring up the rhythm guitars.
It think the tone you have on the r-guitars is pretty good. They're not stepping on the bass's frequencies.

Took your advice on my latest mix in regards to lowering bass and raising guitars a smidge, will post new mix at end of thread...thanks for the feedback!

Tobe:This is immersive. Fantastic instrumentation. Generally I find the lyrics buried too much, less so in the 2nd verse but especially on the "Blame it on the mouth breathers"

Hey thanks Tobe, I retracked the vocals as Im a little more sure of how I want to "sing" them, the 1st mix was pretty much my 1st attempt ....in my new mix I tried to get them above the din a bit:>)...thanks for checking it out and the feedback, appreciate it!
So here is my new mix, replacing the lead and backing "vocal"....taming the bass guitar, raising the rthy guitars a bit trying for a stronger kick and over all "meatier" mix.The link at the top plays the new mix as does this one:
MP3 Player SoundClick
New mix sounds a lot brighter!
The tone of the vox is kinda weird, but it's less pitchy. And your style is kinda weird, so it may fit!