I take it all back!!


New member
I take it all back!!! This Firewire board is a piece of shit! Actually, the board is pretty nice as an analog board, BUT THE DRIVERS SUCK ASS!!!!!! Every single time I turn of f my pc the f*#$ing thing disapears. Only it doesnt really disapear, all the icons are there for the control panel, the disconnect hardware safley icon is there, the device manager knows its there, BUT THE F$#@ING DRIVERS DONT EXSIST ANYMORE. :mad:

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :ma
OH............. and dont think you can turn to Alesis for help, the e-mail I got back from some ass named Ray said hed never HEARD OF CAKEWALK!!! :mad:
YOU HAVE GOT TO BE SHITTING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

ok you said that the drivers go away when you turn your computer off.
but did it work when you first installed it. and how well?

as far as the drivers going away it may not be a alesis problem
what operating system are you using?

Audio Monk
Dude, I havent so much as had to press the reset button on my pc since I built it. Now everything has destabilized. I cant even turn the pc off anymore.

Yes it does work upon installation. Had it workin three seperate times. Works well too. Until you shut the pc off. Then you have to uninstall-system restore-re-install. Because the drivers are no longer installed.

Nothing in their FAQs or manual help the pc recognize the muti mix except a reinstall. My operating system is XP and has always been very stable.

I have no doubts at this point its a driver issue. Im going to call tech support at Alesis this morning. My wife says that if this thing dont work by the weekend I must return it.
If it doesnt work by the weekend Ill be glad to see it go.
FWIW: I had a serious stability problem when I installed the USB drivers for my keyboard (Yamaha PSR-2100) on my PIV computer. Everything was just fine on my PIII pc, running the same OS (WinXP), although the PIII was running XP Pro and the PIV ran XP Home Edition... I never got it to work right on my PIV, the thing would hardly boot up, I had to enter Safe Mode to resque the thing... and on the PIII, it works flawlessly. Anyway, good luck with drivers, I really hope Alesis is doing something about this, I know Yamaha never released proper drivers for my keyboard...:(

The best of luck,
Well I called and it is a driver issue. They have a fix but it required a bunch of windows updates you can only find in the optional software page. I managed to get it re-installed again and patched the drivers.

Shutdown went smooth when I left home and the board was working finally. Now Im back to adjusting the latency and buffers to fix the delay problem. And hopefully when I get back and fire it up it will still work.

This has without a doubt been the hardest hardware install I ever had. I hope its worth it in the end.
Well, but look at it this way: how long have you spent installing the thing, a week? okay, that's bad, but if it serves you and your recordings for five years, it's been worth it I think :)

Good luck:)

Yes I have to agree, and everything seems to have stabilized again. Very close to getting this thing dialed in. 'Course I thought that before and.........

The pre amps do sound sweet though! OK Im starting to like this again! Though its gonna have to earn my trust back.

Im going to put it to the test this weekend. Gonna plug in a bunch of stuff, invite some friends and see if it can keep up. Ill keep you all posted on the results.
Im glad to hear that its not a lost cause. As of now at least. Thanks for keeping us posted. I hope it works out for you. :)
out of box with s/w

ok so if I got this right?

It works right out of the box with cubase LE with no issues, but not with cakewalk right?

No the issues were with the drivers and the pc recognizing the hardware after rebooting. The software doesnt matter because pc itself would lose the device drivers alltogether. Seems to be all good now though. Got a crackling issue during monitoring now. Leaning towards a ground or interference issue. I dont think this is really a hardware thing.
Well enough is enough! I have done everything within my power to make the mixer run well and I cannot do it. I have read everything there is to read and bought more hardware, bumped my ram, optimzed my pc, talked to the snotty ass tech guy at Alesis. There are ground issues, latency issues, driver issues,(the fix is just tepmorary it appears), its totally destablized my whole pc, I went from never having a problem with anything to always having problems with everything. ( I even had to reinstall reason for some unknown....uh...reason.)

I have been up at 5am all week trying to make this work. I havent talked to my wife or pet my dog on the head in a week. I got twenty hours in the last two days just trying to fix the static coming from somewhere to having the driver issues reappear and having to re install for the sixth time.

I, more than anyone had high hopes for this unit. IF it worked it would be great, but the fact is Alesis rushed this to the market WAY before it was ready. There are just too many issues on top of issues on top of issues. I regret to say I am returning the mixer to zzounds this week and Ill likely turn down the work I had lined up. This has beeen a real drag and a dissapointment. I suggest to anyone that was thinking of buying this mixer that they should wait. At least a year, maybe two. Maybe wait untill the new version comes out or something. Or maybe buy the Mackie............... :(
hello there! ok i got the multimix firewire for a week now, i havent played with it a lot since i dont have enough time but i basically know the basics ( or maybe more)and it is great, the pre's are amazing the effects are easy to use and it is easyto erase the unwantted noise... but ihavent use the firewire yet, im only using 2 speakers, so no softwware at all. my question is if i really need a track recorder in order to record my music so i can edited and sincronize it better or cubase will do that for me? do i need a prwer amplifier(s) or its not necesary for playing live with 2,000-3,000 peolple in a indoor stage? what are some of the cons that some of y'll fuond. thanks