i solved my delta 66 and sonar 2 problem, Thanks


New member
thanks a bunch dudes! I ripped that pissing soundblaster card out and blew it away with a shotgun. And aeverything fell into place. Hopefully ill be posted some of my recordings on my bands website soon. Check out some of our songs done in a fifty dollar and hour pro-tools studio. Our last EP cost us $1700.00 baby, I shat myself. Im hoping to get goood enough that that wont happen again.
Later to all and thanks a million, i have found a new home

Don't fall into the trap of expecting that now that you have a Delta 66 and SONAR, you're going to start turning out professional gems overnight. There's a reason it costs to work in a "real" studio. I mean, you wouldn't buy a home surgery kit and expect to stary doing heart transplants on your friends and families, would you?
AlChuck said:

Don't fall into the trap of expecting that now that you have a Delta 66 and SONAR, you're going to start turning out professional gems overnight. There's a reason it costs to work in a "real" studio. I mean, you wouldn't buy a home surgery kit and expect to stary doing heart transplants on your friends and families, would you?

I'm not a real doctor, but I play one on television. :D