I Sit


Here's a project I'm currently working on. A friend of mine wrote a poem and I turned it into a song.

"I Sit"

I've been messing with it for hours and can't tell how the mix sounds any more. :confused:

I'll try again tomorrow after I've had some rest.

Any comments, tips or suggestions are welcome. :)
vocal is excellent and soulful. Guitar playing is top notch; very nice tone, too. It might be my 5" monitors, but I'd bring up the low end a bit. The bass and the kick could use a boost.

Great song, good job. I like it a lot.

Maybe could you post one with a little higher bit rate, a little garbldy. From what I hear though, don't think I would change anything, not even the kick, it's a layed back song, don't need the "roaring thunder" on this one, but that's my opinion. Maybe one thing, maybe the snare could have a little more tone to it, it sounds like it was mic'd on the bottom. Maybe just a little reverb on it it would help. These are very minor things. Sounds great!
Thanks guys!

I'm mixing with a less than favorable setup: an Onkyo receiver and a pair of Polk speakers. (My home stereo.) When I recover from the Christmas bills my next purchase will be better monitoring equipment. :)
Maybe could you post one with a little higher bit rate, a little garbldy.

Which file? The link in the original post is the "current" mix (sample8.mp3), the other two sound very muddy to me, too much fixing what isn't broke, imho.

What part sounds garbldy? Vocal, guitar, etc?
