I really need your thoughts! (School project)


New member
For my last term of high school, I built my recording area in my house, and mixed tracks I recorded out of my house with a Berklee graduate at his studio. I need your thoughts, they might be interesting to show at my presentation. Thanks!


Just a pop rock tune, please give feedback, thanks!
Simman said:
Yeah right; so you want us to do your home work. :D

Totally wrong, I've been lurking around the site for the months I"ve been doing the project, (high school) and I figure it'd be cool to see what people think...
ChuckV said:
Totally wrong, I've been lurking around the site for the months I"ve been doing the project, (high school) and I figure it'd be cool to see what people think...

Dude, it was a joke. :rolleyes:

I did listen to the song but I'm not at my studio so I had to listen on cheap'o sony headphoes. I like the tune but it sounded a bit muddy, possible frequency contention that you might try EQing. Cymbals sounded a bit strange and the snare sounds a bit trashy (but maybe you were going for that sound).
I do not hear anything that sounds BERKLEE... sounds like plain pop... guitar sound is weird when you have palm muting parts... Drum sounds like drumagog or something (not real drums!)

And the vocal is seriously anoying.... (and they are too low in the mix)

Now on the good things : The mix is well balanced and deep (except for the snare which is in your face!and too dull (too much 200-250hz)

The playing is tight.

If I would be a music teacher, I would give you 75%. If I was a teacher who doesn't know anything to music, I would give you 95%.

Good job! Keep up the good work.
'Tis a bit muddy - give the bass a sizeable 3khz boost and cut some bottom end out of it.
The snare is a little odd - give it some snap & pull it back a little.
Try to pull some mids out of the centre guitar or EQ carve the guitars away from each other to give em space.
the sustained cricket chirruping in the edges of the Right side cymbals needs to be killed off completely. If that means re doing the cymbals I doubt you have any other option - it's REALLY annoing.
Look up & use the Motown exciter compressor effect on the vocal - it needs some presence & pizzaz.