I need your advices - what I'm dooing wrong?


New member
Hi. I just recorded a new song, and I really have a problem with mixing it up. It sounds good but not as good as i want it to sound. Can you tell me what i can do to make it right?

Here is the link to youtube:

What don't you like about it?

My $0.2 is that the "wind" intro is a bit long and it's not really clear what it is, and in points hearing the wind blow direct into the mic when you're listening on 'phones isn't that pleasant.

I also reckon you have a bit of intonation issue with your guitar in the clean section. The third note in the second chord sounds out, significantly to me. Now I'm aware that that note is also in the first chord and sounds fine, which is why I'm saying intonation and not tuning.

I like the "big reverbness" of it all, but I think towards the end, you're trying to make too many things sound "big" and you could pull it back off the rhythm guitar a touch. Also I'm still getting a "not quite in tune" feeling throughout in various spots.

But all that aside, I like it... Nice atmospheric piece.
What don't you like about it?

My $0.2 is that the "wind" intro is a bit long and it's not really clear what it is, and in points hearing the wind blow direct into the mic when you're listening on 'phones isn't that pleasant.

I also reckon you have a bit of intonation issue with your guitar in the clean section. The third note in the second chord sounds out, significantly to me. Now I'm aware that that note is also in the first chord and sounds fine, which is why I'm saying intonation and not tuning.

I like the "big reverbness" of it all, but I think towards the end, you're trying to make too many things sound "big" and you could pull it back off the rhythm guitar a touch. Also I'm still getting a "not quite in tune" feeling throughout in various spots.

But all that aside, I like it... Nice atmospheric piece.


Yeah, you're right with the wind. When I listened to it on my headphones on max volume it not sounds good.
I find the HH to be quite harsh myself. Otherwise, this is really cool man! I'd like to hear more actually. :)
It has cool atmospheric vibe, but the guitar is having intonation problems. Take it to a tech if you can't fix it yourself. I'd also think about taking the verb off the heavy guitars and try quad tracking them to make them sound bigger.
It has cool atmospheric vibe, but the guitar is having intonation problems. Take it to a tech if you can't fix it yourself. I'd also think about taking the verb off the heavy guitars and try quad tracking them to make them sound bigger.

And what I can do with the guitar? Im now in my home city for the Christmas and this is a small town, so that will be a problem to find a tech....
listening as i type..

I like the wind intro... i wish you'd tune the guitar

When the distorted guitar comes in .... is there bass at all in there? a part like that im REALLY looking for a sustained bottom note

neat push/pull limiting/reverse in the drums but a bit over done. Guitars dont have much definition or separation. make sure your at least EQing your guitar parts differently if your not using different distortion or effect... do something to differentiate them.
What are you doing wrong? You're not tuning your guitar. A piece of advice from George Harrison to everyone who plays guitar: keep checking the tuning on your guitar all the time. When I'm starting a recording of a guitar track, I can be checking it between every take.