I need to borrow your professional ears......


New member
This is a song of mine that I had professionally recorded, mixed and mastered in my hometown. I'm not completely satisfied with the results. It seems a little rough to me. Maybe I'm too picky, or maybe that's how the engineer thought it sounded best. This is an mp3 at 320 kbps, so it's almost CD quality.

or just go to www.balloonhed.com and click on music
This was recorded about 2 years ago.
I would love opinions from Blue Bear, Massive, and Masteringhouse.
Sorry to say Dantell, but it is pretty rough. The whole thing sounds sort of hollow. The vocals are left heavy. I think the engineer forgot that when creating a "fake" double by delaying a copy of the track, the delayed signal will be perceived as about 3db quiter. I would be willing to guess that the delayed vocal track is to the right, at the same level as the original in the left. This is causing the vocal to be left heavy. The vocal is also way on top of everything else, it's not really sitting in the mix.

when you say "Hollow" do you mean too much reverb? Also I think he did stagger the vocals a little and I must agree, they seem off balance.
thanks, I'm going to be getting the individual tracks back from him and I think I might try and take some of these suggestions and fix the mix myself.
thanks RT
anyone else?
No not hollow because of too much reverb. I think it's that "vocal doubling" that is causing the hollow sound to me. I think he also did that to thte guitars. It'a comb filtering type of sound.
I'm going to get the tracks

I just talked to the guy that mixed it and he said that he thinks it's a stereo track and he did no effects or delay or even staggering, he claims it might have been the equipment he was running it through, but I'm going to get the separate tracks and see.
My two cents:

It sounds like a karaokee mix. Straight up. I like the song idea, but the mixing could use improvment. The vocals sound overpowering, everything else sounds like it's trying to compete with the vocals. Not a "natural blend" if you know what I mean. I also notice a bit of clipping, which sounds like it's coming from the high end of the guitars and the drum machine track.
being professionally recorded, everything about this mix sounds like shit. no offense.

Drums-sound like cheap pieces of ass. the cymbals sound so small and cheap and harsh. the snare sounds triggered or something and distored and tuned way too low. the toms sound distorted. the bass drum distorts also and sounds like complete ass. there's some stereo thing going on with the kick, maybe from a short reverb but it sounds like ass.

guitars-these sound really bad too. seems like there's some phase issues or something, almost sounds like some frequencies are cancelled out.

bass-i'm not really hearing it with the mud low end of the guitars

vocals-seems like there's something weird going on stereo-wise.

mastering-WAY TOO LOUD.
Thanks Guys

I just got the tracks back yesterday and I remixed them myself. I think it sounds much better. I plan on having it professional mixed and mastered along with all my songs, but I think this is a closer version to what I wanted it to sound like
or go to www.balloonhed.com/music I have them both posted and any comments would be appreciated. The new version has just been mixed and not mastered.
Doesn't sound a whole lot different. Vocals are centered now, and a little more "in the mix".
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