I need someone to check this song out,if u can


New member
yo my homeboy recorded this track in Jan.2003 but never got the girl he wanted to come thru and sing on it.So it has no hook but it still sound good without it,its a life/hardtimes type of track I guess lol.But if u can listen to it and give ur opinion on it,I would really appreciate it.

The song is called "Where do I go from here" by Dark Angel

Holla back

i thin its nice..just need to bring the vocals up over the beat..real nice beat and song..

and beat 3 is bangin
yeah we've gone back and mixed the track over I just haven't gotten it up on my computer yet.And he still hasn't got the girl he wanted to do the hook on it yet either,so that's the only thing I'm worried about.But thnx though for the responds