i need some help with cubase sx


New member
ok heres the thing.

me and my band recorded a song and i wanna wanna fix it and add some sounds at the begining and let the song start like at 0:30 instead of 0:05 so i can add some sounds at the begining instead of during the song and the let it start (the song)
so how can i move all the tracks safely so i can add the sounds???? or do i have to mix the whole thing save it to one track and do it that way???

Click on the little "+" on left of the track, click on "volume", select "pan" and then create 1 point with the pencil tool on the automation track. The next point can be created with the arrow tool.


Activate the "W" (write) button on the channel you want to automate, then press play. while it's playing, pan you track the way you want. When your finished, stop the song, activate the "R" (read) button, and press play.


Simply press F1, everything is explain there... :p
In a better way I did cuz I dont speak english very well


Enjoy automation cuz you can do a looooooooooooot of other things than just panning :)
Doesn`t people care to read the manual these days......?

Or are they using the "fell off a truck" edition.... ;)


I share your frustration, Plexi. If I am having a problem, which is well-written IMO, I check the manual. (I'm using VST 5.1) If for whatever reason, I can't find what I'm looking for, I don't mind at all if someone simply directs me to a specific page. From there, I can check it out, and if I don't get it still, I'll try to ask a specific question, like, what do they mean by xxx.

So, I say, for questions like this, we simply direct them to the proper page number. I don't know about SX (haven't been able to afford the upgrade yet), but the VST manual is in PDF, and is on the installation CD. There is no real excuse for not having it, IMO.

With SX (unless something has changed in the last two months) the manual is not only in PDF on the CD, but you can go to Steiny's website and download the manual for free in PDF and I think even word format.

What amazes me are the ones who ask a question that is on answered on page 10 of the "getting started" manual and they actually wait for a day or two to get their answer here before figuring it out. I rarely post a question because when I have a problem I want it answered right then so I pour over the manuals to get to the bottom of it.

But to each their own, and not everyone reads.... :p