I need some help micing my kit...


New member
Hey...I need some help here. I have a set of Pearl Export series (yeah, I know...there's part of the problem.) I use Evans G2 batter and Genera resonant on the toms, Power Center batter and Hazy 300 on the res. for my snare, and an EQ3 set-up on the kick. (with EQ pad inside) I'm using AKG clip on condensors (not sure of model, but made for drums) on the toms, an SM 57 on the snare and an AKG Ugly Duckling for the kick, and a Shure Beta 56 on the floor tom. THE CHALLENGE--
How can I get more attack from my kick? How do I get my toms to stand out a little? Cymbals sound great, (using a Sure Beta 4.1 overhead) but we're tracking a demo and I can't get the sound I'm looking for on tape from my drums. I'm sure it's mic placement or eq on the board. (24 channel Behringer) Should I play with the sweep mid? HELP! I'm sooooo lost....thanks
Honestly, I don't know what all that stuff you mention is, so this might be a stupid reply, but... Are you using any compression on the kit at all? Compressing the kick drum to death and using very little of the uncompressed signal is what got close to the sound I was looking for. Could also make the toms more defined, who knows. Compressing the snare a little made it stand out for me as well. I don't know if it might help you or not. I have a hard time miking drums myself, and try to use as little EQ as possible on the tracks. I have a Pearl Export series kit too.

[This message has been edited by Jon X (edited 05-20-2000).]
Crank the low mid. You'll hear the kick plenty. Dial in the high to get the slap. When I recorded on an MD8, I would record with the bass and the highs cranked with the mids down. When mixing, I would dial in the mids as needed.

I've never liked compression on drums...I don't know why...
I an no expert, but to get the click of the kick drum I had to use an extra mic in the kick... a sm57. I was using an AT Pro 25 and the click just wasnt there. The extra mic gives you a bit of added flexability when EQ'ing... You can scoop out every freq except the click and crank it as needed.
I heard somewhere that for added attack you could duct tape a quarter to the head where the beater hits... Or maybe it was tape a quarter to the beater where it hits the head... I never tried it.
Where do you have the mic on the kick? Try moving it in closer to the batter head. Also, how is the drum tuned? I like it cranked up pretty high for lots of tone and sustain, but if yr looking for attack, try it nice and loose. I'd try these things before you reach for the EQ.
Thanks to all for the help!! Compression...we have the whole kit minus cymbals through an insert to an Alesis 3630. I'll try compressing everything seperately. We have a Behringer expander/compressor unit....should I try running the cymbals throught that to kill some of the cut? As for the kick...the mic is AKG D112 about 4 inches from the batter aimed at the impact point inside the drum. It's tuned kinda tight as well...as for the quarter trick I don't suggest it. i tried it and ended up with a mess of duct tape and my quarter getting stuck in the pedal. :) never tried 2 mics....sounds logical...again thanks to all!!
I wouldnt run the cymbals through a compressor... The less compression the better... I only compress the snare and just a tiny bit on the kick...
Try placing the kick mic off center to the beater... a couple of inches to the side of the point of impact and pointing THROUGH the axis that connects the mic to the point of impact of the beater...
If you are looking at the kit from the audience perspective... Position the mic a couple of inches left of the point of impact of the beater and point it at the drummers high hat foot. You'll get less air and more click,,,
But I am no expert... Try it... Thats how I position my AT25... then I just throw a sm57 in at random... Doesnt seem to matter much how it is positioned to capture the "click".
Use the Primary mic for the "thump"... Then mix the SM57 for the "click"... Maybe pan the "click" a TINY bit to either side to make it stand out...
I have great news!! I finally found what I needed. I purchased a used DBX 4 channel limiter/expander from a buddy for $100....WHOA NELLIE!!!! You would not believe the difference! I repositioned the mics as we discussed and ran into the dbx and set our soundman to work..the result was amazing! I HIGHLY recommend that all drummers look into adding a similar piece of equipment to their rack. Thanks for all the help fellas!
We ran the dbx out of inserts live and i have no idea how he's running it on the demo but it made a HUGE difference. It was so much better that we scrapped a very nearly finished demo to re-track the drums with it. It gave the toms more attack, the kick suddenly had the WHACK that all kicks need to be heard...I'm happy as can be. :)