I Need Some Feedback On My Tracks


New member
www.soundclick.com/loctaktics take a listen to some samples of my tracks. I suggest downloading them becuz the soundclick player screws it up in Hi-Fi. Im using a MI4 PreAmp and a Rode NT1-A and Cubase SL2.0. I pretty much dont add anything to my vocals, so if anyone can give me some tips on how to improve the quality even more. Ps Im still a beginner so I dont know anything about mastering/mixing/whatever you pros do.
Oh wow... lol Not tryin to hate but after listening halfway through dickhead i was laughing my ass off thinking wow this dude cant be serious. On n on was a prety good track though. Your other shit was allright I just think dickhead gives u a bad image along with that picture u have, which may display you wrong because u look exactly like that guy from Malibu's most wanted.

I am also just basing these opinions of listening to dickhead which is one of the only full songs you have up so I am probably not getting a feal of your style etc.
ahaha thnx bro.. well Ill defenitly take that picture off.. potrays me as gangster, which Im not trying to be. But as for the song, lol its just a piss track so Ill leave it up.
I'm not gonna front on you homie. Honest crit...

You need work. Your rhymes are kinda weak, and very basic. Your patterns are too simple, and your lyrics have very little content to them.

You sort of remind me of PITBULL but with a weaker flow. You need to step it up a bit, keep writing. Learn some new flow patterns, expand your vocab and content. I can tell you're young, but you've got a long way to go.

Keep at it.
latino beuty is "ahite" i mean its not the strongest joint i ve heard . . but hell if laffy taffy can blow up -- there's no point of sayin what is ZERO and what it is 10 --- yo -- go find a few latina dimes and ask them . . . if they smack u - its over!!!

however, -- that dickhead shit is just not my "cup of tea" -- sounds like a weak impression of slim shady . . .
the beats aint bad at all though. fall in love beat is hot! the hook atin gon win no contests- but i can almost see chicks feelin it --imaybe get someone else to say the hook -- or minimize the "overemphasized" emotions in your voice

and the verse on the sample of "changes" actually sound ok-- but spellin out "changes" . . . i dont know

GET IT STARTED has a nice hook-- all hands down -- this song has a bad ass hook!!!
Thanks for the critism peeps.. this is exactly what I was looking for!
Yeah most of the shit is samples so u cant hear the rappin, but if anyone got MSN add me on loctaktics@hotmail.com and I send you whatever song u want FULL version so u can hear the fire.. believe me my rappin is much better, I usually get commented on flow and vocal tone and yeah, alot of people do say I lack content in my lyrics so Im defenitly gonna take that into account. But yeah if ya wanna hear any song, full version.. except Latino beauty or Fall In Love cuz they're not completed, just add me and Ill be happy to send!
Much Love
LocTaktics said:
ahaha thnx bro.. well Ill defenitly take that picture off.. potrays me as gangster, which Im not trying to be. But as for the song, lol its just a piss track so Ill leave it up.

Yeh great idea to take the pic off, In my opinion it gave you a horrible image, kinda made you look like dem dudes offa the "poser mobile" tmobile comertials ;)
OK I'm in the same boat as anyone else... I won't even listen to DICKHEAD again... just won't... thats a disgrace to hip-hop music... I said to myself, "Is he serious?" And I'm not tryin to be a DICKHEAD!

Now more on the constructive side...

Latino Beauty shows me you got some potential... Dont do shit like dickhead anymore... its just wack...

The only thing I don't like is your accent from wherever you are from... I don't think you can get rid of that though... Since you are rapping and singing in english I think it would help to try and pronounce things more like the english language... I know that might take a long time but thats my biggest problem right now...

With that said, you have harmony... Your remind me of an unrefined www.pigeonjohn.com Go there and peep his shit, maybe he'll inspire you... Its similar to yours but just better quality and some known producers backin his tracks...

What country are you in? What nationality are you?

It's hard to say anything much cause all you have are small samples!

Game Sample is the best Track I heard so far I think... You rap decent... you rap offbeat with the way you pronounce your syllabals sometimes... plus you spread syllabals out far too much..

Give your words a well blend of that...

Like for instance saying... Like ...... you.......... did....... nt......... care....... where... i....... was.......... go.......... ing........ to.......... night........

IS boring... its all broken up... thats creative to do sometimes but not ALL the time...

I really can't critique 30 second samples... just not enough..

The sound quality doesn't seem to be so bad either...

Sorry for sounding like an ass... i tried to be constructive...

im not saying you dont have any potential, cause you do... just gotta refine alot of areas man... learn how to structure your lines better as far as your vocal pattern... the way you say words, etc... more SMOOOOTH transitions...

You don't hear anyone in hip-hop rapping how you do, which I would usually say is a good thing but in this case its not... sorry... ... get inspiration from the artists you listen to...

Term Wuna
Cheers Bro! That was some good critisim I got there. I reckon you could help me out big time, add me on MSN at loctaktics@hotmail.com. I really feel what you saying ay, I wanna send you the full tracks cuz I think you'd probably like them. And Im about to check out pigeon john right now. Make sure u get at me man.
i agree dont ever make another track like dickhead please. But i agree you do have potential and deff alot of heart. I was feelin get it started and a few more but just needs a lil more structure wouldnt mind hearing the whole thing though to get a more of an idea but its not bad. And the guys you got the beats from there pretty good.
I think I'll have to jump on the "don't ever ever....evereverever"...make dickhead again ok. That sounded like Weird Al on shrooms trying to make fun of Eminem for doing Ass Like That. But besides that, I think there's some potential. You just need to find influences and practice with it more. You could mold yourself into something good. How long have you been rapping? That can tell us a lot about where you're at with your music.
cool cool.. I like this feedback... well I been writing since I was about 13.. Im 16 now.. and only started recording last year.. or late 2003.. some thing like that
Ok that explains a lot. You can write lyrics until you're blue in the face, but if you're just writing to make a rhyme than it's not going to sound as good when it hits a beat. I usually write to rhyme, but also to have different bars flow together. I can switch topics at the drop of a hat (lol sometimes this is a bad thing if your song is based around a topic) and make it all flow together. I wrote some stuff the other day where I was just talking about fight shit and then flipped it to pimping. I had to chop up the song and write 2 new songs from it.
ahhh yeah.. well usually I base all my songs on one topic actually. If its a club beat, Ill write about the atmosphere in a night club, if its a hard hitting beat, Ill write about a bad experience/fight/or diss cats that diss me kinda thing. I dont really like switchin up topics or just writing to rhyme. Athough I do it sometimes and dont expand my vocab and just use words as space fillers.
so i took another listen and i hate like judging you but you want criticism. but its wierd im really feeling you and your pretty close but. some of the stuff is just bad. On bounce the song is good nice sound good beat but i think the overdubs or voiceovers are terrible. But im really feelin this get it started. If i could freakin rap i'd deffitnly collab i got the studio and quality lol but no skill i just record.