I need some ears on this one

Ray J

New member
I put a tune up on my page a while back and the mix was really bright. It was from my first mixes and my frame of reference was way off.

I don't plan to regurgitate all of my new mixes of old tunes on this board but, I need help on this one. I'm wondering if I added too much low end to the mix. I would appreciate some input, because I'm still set up to mix this tune. I know the mix on the voices is far from perfect and the toms sound like crap and I'll address that next time I mix but I'm really wondering what you guys think EQ- wise.

Specifically: Is the bass too loud or too bassy? and is the kick drum loud enough.

These are the two things I'd like you guys to listen for but any input on the mix or the song will be appreciated

The song's called "Where's That Gonna Get You?"


Also, I have another tune that I never posted here because I was a little ashamed of the production and the tune itself is kind of retro sounding and I've been told it wasn't my best work, but it is a rock tune and I don't do a whole lot of those so if your curious, it's called "Seventeen Candles" and it's one of the last songs on my page, if not the last one.

Let's recap, because a lot of people just read the last lines of long posts such as this one. (which i am becoming famous far) I have a tendency to ramble.

"Where's that Gonna get You" - I need help on the mix particularly the bass and kick

"Seventeen Candles" - listen if your curious and at your own risk (there is a killer solo at the end of the tune, 2nd guitar solo) so it may be worth checking out for some of you.


Ok carry on, you guys

My first thought is that the drums are too loud. Listening longer I'd like to hear the kick come up slightly, maybe, and the snare sit back a bit more. I might take the snare down first and see if the kick makes sense where it is. The snare and tom fills seem distracting to me at that volume.

I'm not one to be giving mixing advice, really, but the bass seems OK. When I give it the idiot-with-his-bass-and-treble-all-the-way-up test on my stereo the bass booms out, but the guitars are bright enough not not to be drowned. A touch less boomy frequencies might help in that case, but I think it works the way it is. Laid back and grooving.

Spatially, the tune reminds me of a band called Morphine. I really like it.

Take care,
On where's that gonna get you,

I think that the kick sounds fine. THe bass was not a problem either.

The mix sounds fine to me. Clean and detailed.
Chris, thanks for all of the input. I will be remixing so, your comments will be helpful.

"idiot-with-his-bass and treble-all-the-way-up test" --lol. I usually keep mine around 75%, in my car, hope I don't fall into that catagory. As a matter of fact, that's where I cross check my mixes(in my car). Haven't heard Morphine, the name of a band called Indigenous(i believe that's the name) keeps coming up from people who here this track also, have heard them either but I'm curious now.

cyan, thanks for listening. As I posted, I'm having trouble dl ing your tune, I've since shut down my comp and things are going much better. Gonna check it out tomorrow

Ray J
Nice one Ray.

Through my $70 computer speakers the bass was unusually full, which leads me to believe that through a good system there would be too much low end eq. I also thought the vocal could use a touch more high end and maybe a little less verb.

Clear and enjoyable mix and song, though.
Ray, nice tune man...everything sounded great to me. I'm not very nit picky (guess it show's in my mixes:D) but hey good music is just what it is..good music, and you got some very tasty good music here. Also listened to seventeen candles, i got a tune named "Red headed stepchild" I wrote a few yrs back kinda reminded me of that track..cept the solo at the end, I can't fucking play like that,,,you bad to th bone man. Keep it up bro, check ya later.

p.s. "Where's that gonna get you" is the best mix I've heard from your list,,if that counts for anything. Sounds good.
Slim - thanks for checking it out. I was listening in my car today to this song and your comments about not enough high end on the vocal are right on, and yes, it's boardering on too much low end with the bass and this is one of the reasons why I posted here. I'm still on the fence witht the bass. I know what I'm hearing but a few more pair of ears is helping because you guys are listening to the song as a whole and critiqueing and this is helping. It's hard for me to get that perspective because I've been playing with the individual tracks for so long.

David - Thanks, this song kind of lends itself to sounding good mixwise, if only I were a little better at mixing. the cutting rythmn against the rest of the music give it potential to sound really good. I tracked it before I knew what I was doing and the drums are suffering. Glad you like it, although I've ventured into accoustic blues and Zydeco, this song is a little more representative of what I do (Where's that gonna get you, that is) and I wanted to get a decent mix on it so I could put it 1st on my page.

Regarding Seventeen Candles, yeah, I took the wah wah out of moth balls for this one. The solo really came to me and I didn't need many takes to do it so, the playing still sounds fresh and spontaneous, I only wish the recording were better

Thanks for listening and the generous comments

Ray J
Good job!

Personally, I would like to hear something different done with the guitar (lead and rhythm).

Rhythm Guitar...

For me, it lacks something. Maybe its the strength of the modulation effect on it that is throwing me or maybe it is not panned wide enough.

Lead Guitar...

Again just my preference...I prefer a cleaner tone with more bite, but every guitar player likes something a little different.

I like what you did with it overall...I agree with a previous post that the drums are a bit on the loud side.

Take care.
Liked the song and the technical mix aspects.

However, as mentioned earlier, the lead guitar sound doesn't do the song justice. I know its preference but fwiw, I'd like to hear more of a naturally overdriven guitar sound - no chorus, delay, etc. Just plug (strat?) straight into the amp and kick the preamp in to the point where it'll break-up if you lean on it, stick an SM57 in front of it and voila - I think that sound would be great with your style.
>Specifically: Is the bass too loud or too bassy?

I actually really liked the bass guitar tone and placement a lot. It IS pretty bassy, but it fills out the low end nicely. You'd have to try it on a bunch of different speaker systems to see if it's too much for the track, but on my system, it sits nicely. It's clear and present without overpowering any of the other instruments.

>is the kick drum loud enough.

Not for my taste. I think the rest of the drums sit well, but the kick is a little tame, especially in light of the strong bass guitar. The tone of the kick itself is nice because it doesn't seem to be competing with the bass guitar frequency-wise. I'd just bring it up a bit.

My only other comments are matters of taste. I don't like the guitar tone because it's very "sterile" and "cold" sounding compared to the warmth of the vocals and rhythm tracks. A tube amp with less effects would match the "feel" of the song better IMO. Also, I know it's probably not an option, but the fake toms are really distracting when they come in. I'd do one of three things:

1) Borrow some real toms and record those.
2) Find a more realistic patch.
3) Lower the level of the toms you have so they don't jump out so much at you and are more supporting.

One of those three things would work wonders.

However, as I said, both of those points are just matters of taste. I like the vibe of the track, and it's recorded well. Nice work!
ajgrossman - I never noticed that the snare was too loud until I posted here. You're not the first to notice, thanks for listening, I appreciate the input.

psmith - Yeah, I tracked with an effect on my guitar, before I knew better. It's really swimming in it. I'm gonna have to recut that track. Thank for the advice, you;'re right about the guitar.

Buffalo Bob - Thanks for listening. Alligators and guitar players don't mix. It's a digit thing.

Charles - Thanks for the advice. My biggest problem with the toms are that I usually have to put them on the same track as the snare, this takes some planning ahead with levels and such while your tracking, I'm a little more aware of this now, compared to when I tracked this little gem


Ray J
The bass isn't too loud ... needs more attack though ... a boost around 1-2k might bring it out more.
I think kick is loud enough ... and the snare is a little too loud.
I also think the hihat could come up a little.
Real cool guitar solo! I like the phase/flange effect. Very well played, too.
I wish the vocals had a little more hi-end on them ... could just be due to the encoding. It almost seems a little too muddy when you do the block chords though ... a slight 3db cut around 250Hz might help clean that up.
Good tune, I like it.
>My biggest problem with the toms are that I usually have to put them on the same track as the snare, this takes some planning ahead with levels and such while tracking

*wide grin*

Heh! For me, back in the 8-track days, it was usually backing vocals on the guitar solo track, etc. On my last project, even though I went to 16-track, I still ended up with backing vocals on the tom tracks, etc.

No matter how many tracks you have available, you somehow always seem to end up with more parts than tracks.

What I like the most: The chorus it serves as good hook and
the lead guitar solo.

What I like the least: The drums. Not the sound but what hes doing. Thats just me and no harm meant.

Keep on keeping on!
B Kahuna - I think your're right about adding a little attack on the bass and I'm hearing the need for more high end on the vocals now. Several people have mentioned the snare, I never noticed that it was abnormally loud. Thanks for the input and taking the time to listen

C Thomas - Your right about the track thing. I almost always have an instrument on my vocal tracks while I'm not singing. 8 more tracks would be very helpful

elbenj - Drums are certainly my achilles heel. I"m more of a guitar player therefore I struggle. Thanks for listening and the comments
Ray J...

Nice tune... nice laid back groove to it.

I think I agree with the others that the bass (both guitar and kick drum) side of the mix needs a little bit more attack.

The snare might be a little too loud.. the tone of it is pretty flat, without much of an initial attack, so you might be having trouble getting enough attack out of the snare without making the snare too loud in the overall mix.

The vocals sound a little to effected for my taste. They might also be a smidge quiet (on these speakers anyhow). Perhaps brightening them up, cutting down on the effect and bringing them a little higher up in the mix might make the snare seem to fit in the overall picture a little better.

VE - Thanks for listening and the input. You may be on to something concerning me overcompensating for the lack of attack on the snare with volume and the lead vocal is certainly in need of some more high end.


Ray J
I think the level of the overall mix was maybe 3 db to low, I could be wrong about that though.

A couple of points:

1. The snare was too loud and too boxy sounding to my ears, in contrast to the kick and cymbals which were too set back. Also the toms dont sound like they were tuned, theres no decay.

2. The drums were off on the quick tom bursts in the beg and in the middle of the solo and they jumped out of the mix. The hi hat was off in dif spots.

3. The guitar tone was a little thin in general.

4. The vocals and general mix need a 2db boost at 4.5 k (maybe more, maybe a 1-2db boost at 2.5k) and a 3-6db boost at 10-12k. Maybe a touch more reverb that will widen and wetten them a bit. Maybe a touch more chorus or delay. The problem could be the mic or pre.

5. I would lower the vocal harmonies 3-4 db.

6. The guitar part that goes after each chorus is nice and well written.

7. The bass was fine but it seemed like you were relying on it to fill up the mix which is a little empty, which is fine as the space is essential to the feel of the song but it could use more dynamics, maybe an organ coming in and out or something.