I need help starting a website

Dom Franco

New member
Would some one out there please give me a simple explanation of how to make a web site, so I can post pictures of my studio?

I am pretty lame when it come to computers....

Thanks in advance.

Dom Franco:confused:
i locked myself in a room for two days and studied a step to step guide to html..... but you could go for a program like dreamweaver or something
Do you want a decent looking site to talk about your studio and post images of? Or just a place to put images at, like one of those image host sites?

I actually learned HTML years ago with a free design program called "AOL Press" (I hear the laughter and pointing already)

But I used that and just typed where I wanted the text, and placed images where I wanted them. Then I started looking at the source code. Eventually I learned all those simple little tags that were once a bit confusing. And now I REFUSE to use a program to make my web sites and I type it all up in the very basic and free notepad.

So, if you want a decent site. I recommend downloading some free site building program. Haven't used one in years so I can't recommend one. I know Dreamweaver is good, but it cost money,

Then if you want a free web host try and track one down that doesn't have pop-ups, and if possible no ads built into your site. At LEAST avoid the pop-ups.

Well, let us know which you want a decent at least looking site, or just a cheap image host site. And from there we'll see where this will go.
I'll second dreamweaver- very easy- it sjust like using word once you get the navigation stuff worked out- its very powerful- for youre typical end user (me and probably you) learning HTML is not all that practical. I can read HTML to an extent, but i couldnt really write it, not vrey well anyway.
Get yourself a free web site like http://www.50megs.com/ to learn on.
They can be slow and have a file size limitation. Most of them will not let you link from another site. Do not use the templates. Learn a little html.
Download Firstpage (Its Free) http://www.evrsoft.com/
Theres All kinds of help on the Internet. You must learn what an Index file is and how to upload files.
If your not planning on makeing a real presence on the web dont worry about buying a Domain name. Use the free ones that most sites have. Heres an example of a free domain name.
Dom Franco.50meg.com
If you plan on having Pictures to show the free sites will work.
But Most are slow and wont let you link from another site!
Heres a few links.
Heres a simple site I made up for Planet Friends. Its a free domain name and Cheap in price. http://zolfco.webhostingwholesale.com/
I can link my Pics to other sites.
Have you thought about setting up a group on MSN for posting pictures... all you need to do is to uploade the pictures and put a description with them. If all you want to do is to do that, go here .

You get 3Mb of files free... meaning about 40 jpg pictures if they are 70kb each.

Just a suggestion,

There are no HTML commands, spin... a command is something that executes. HTML is purely a way of marking up text with formatting information. The HTML constructs are called tags.
There are 2 ways to do this:

#1: (mostly choosen way) Go to www.godaddy.com and get you a domain name. then go to www.ipowerweb.com and get you some space. I don't if the ipowerweds.com gives you web designing software though. (they should)

#2: (the Free Way) Go to www.netfirms.com and get 25megs of space and a sub-domain name (www.yourstudio.netfirms.com) Then go to: www.coolpage.com and download the free demo (but you can use it as long as you want. the only thing diffurent in the demo version is you can't use all of the word fronts on your computer and you have to display a small 2" x 1" ad of their company. but you can place the ad any where you want.) This page: www.phatmanstudios.netfirms.com and look at it. this is my site. i designed it the free way (the above) It's not to bad.

Free way or the way of pay.
It doesn't matter you can still either way design a top notch site.

After that it depends HOW professional you want to be.
Someone who's dedicated and can pitch out the money for a REAL host and a domain is going to look like a more reliable business. As they show they want to present themselves not only greatly in the real world and in their studio actions, but on the web as well.

I, and many other people design web sites in the simple, ultra-bland, generic, ugly notepad (that is free with all versions of windows). And can produce sites 50x better than someone who just forked out a few hundred dollars for a macromedia design tool.

It's the mind behind the work, it's just like some newbie getting into home recording. If they have a fat wallet they can buy all the 'best' gear in the world. And still produce a shitty album. It's about knowing how to use the tools you have.

there were some good suggestions and started ideas above Dom, I just had to step in and say what the difference of cost in web design really is.