I need help setting up my soundcard... PLEASE


New member

I just bought a Terratec Phase22 soundcard and I have a stupid problem... This is how the control panel looks like -


The problem is I can't hear what I'm recording (mostly guitar and vocals)... On my old SB Live! control panel there was a "line in" slider I used to monitor the input signal...

On the Phase22 there is only the "analog output" selection tab... When I set it to "wave" I can record but don't hear what I'm recording. When I set it to "analog in" I can hear the sound but can't record and can't listen to any wave's, mpr3's etc...

Please help, I'm going insane... I wrote to Terratec support but they are ignoring me...

My specs:

Athlon XP 1700+
120 GB HD
Terratec Phase22 soundcard
Nuendo 2, Cool Edit Pro 2
ReDRuM said:

I just bought a Terratec Phase22 soundcard and I have a stupid problem... This is how the control panel looks like -


The problem is I can't hear what I'm recording (mostly guitar and vocals)... On my old SB Live! control panel there was a "line in" slider I used to monitor the input signal...

On the Phase22 there is only the "analog output" selection tab... When I set it to "wave" I can record but don't hear what I'm recording. When I set it to "analog in" I can hear the sound but can't record and can't listen to any wave's, mpr3's etc...

Please help, I'm going insane... I wrote to Terratec support but they are ignoring me...

My specs:

Athlon XP 1700+
120 GB HD
Terratec Phase22 soundcard
Nuendo 2, Cool Edit Pro 2

You have to enable input monitoring in the program you use to record. You may not be pleased with the results though depending on the amount of latency you get.

You are better off monitoring before the signal goes into the soundcard with a mixer or get a card with hardware input monitoring.
Thanx a lot for the reply!

The manual of the card says that it supports "direct monitoring" but that option is greyed out to me in Nuendo... Is that what you ment with "input monitoring"? I understand the stuff you said about turning on monitoring in my host program... But then I get latency (low but noticeable), it bothers me pretty much, especially when I record fast stuff...

Is it possible that the SB Live! which cost about 15$ had this "input monitoring" feature, and the Phase22 which cost 100$ doesn't?


I have a Terratec card as well...Its the older brother of the phase 88 (EWS88/mt). Im able to monitor with no latency at all. I have more options in my control panel than you do. I can send any of the 8 inputs to any of the out puts. If i want to monitor playback and inputs at the same time, I have an option of "Digital Mixer" which lets you hear everything that is going on.
I understand... But I still don't get why "direct monitoring" is greyed out in Nuendo 2 when my card supports it...
Is "direct monitoring" and "input monitoring" the same thing?

But bassically, lack of the "input monitoring" option is the driver's "fault", not the hardware's? I mean, the sound card could do it, but the drivers don't allow it?

If the SB Live could do it, the Phase22 should to...