i need help on my song


New member
ok my song sounds good on my mixing speaker (dynoaudio acoustics bm 5A) but when i play it in the car the vocals just dont stand out and the instrumental is some what distorted i tried lowering the levels but i just cant get it. maybe im missing something maybe more eq or something someone give me some tips im using sonar 8 producer edition and also if my songs sounds like its missing anything let me know it will be greatly appreciated.
its my first time ever mixing
here it is.....
Only For Tonight.mp3 - 2.1 Mb
try mixing again with crap speakers then headphones then earphones etc...

u'll get a feel for what is going to work in the general home. also the car test is a really good one.

remember to account for the fact that the speakers u use for mixing will probably be better than what the cd will end being played on.

getting a cd to sound good in a car is tricky so if u can well done!

for ur song the lower end clarity is kind of questionable and that'll be tricky in the car where there is allot of low freq' interference and a very small space.
it seens to lack "body" from hi bass and mid-range just needs filling out a bit maybe.

but i'm really just looking for stuff question there. try an eq with a bit more mid/low range and try to clear up the bass with a bit less/more compression. it does sound very produced but i am more of an acoustic man myself so that may just be the style.

good luck
The car test is a very good one. I heard dizzy rascal has an old tv in his studio to test his tracks on! lol

I actually don't think your vocals are the issue here, they sound great, despite it not being my personal preference in style, but sound wise, really bloody good job man!

What I'm hearing though is that everything is very central in the mix. I think you'll get more clarity being braver with your pans and perhaps even a little stereo manipulation if you can manage it, really deepen the mix out.

Let me know how you get on man.
The car test is a very good one. I heard dizzy rascal has an old tv in his studio to test his tracks on! lol

I actually don't think your vocals are the issue here, they sound great, despite it not being my personal preference in style, but sound wise, really bloody good job man!

What I'm hearing though is that everything is very central in the mix. I think you'll get more clarity being braver with your pans and perhaps even a little stereo manipulation if you can manage it, really deepen the mix out.

Let me know how you get on man.

he is right. it sounds a little one dimentional which would be greatly improved by a broader stereo image.

just make sure u haven't converted it to mono for ur mp3! :P
if u have just re do it in stereo and give us a new link.
thanks guys i am glad its at least pleasing to the ear :) as for the stereo thing i did export to 16 bit stereo what i didn't do is double the vocals its just one take and that's all maybe that's why it doesn't sound like it has to much of a body. maybe i need to read a little more on how to record i have heard about dubbing and all those things but there's so much to learn its overwhelming you know. Ive heard of people panning vocals right and left to give that stereo image but i read that after i put my song out there. if you guys have any tips it will be greatly appreciated thank you!!
learning from my mistakes =]

Your vocals are great man, its the rest of the stuff that needs filled out in the mix!!!
Sorry, I'm not in a position to listen to the clip, but....

Another little trick to try when mixing is to listen at different volume levels. If you mix it when it's playing quieter than normal listening volume some things will stand out like whether vocals are sitting well or not.

Listen to your mix loud then soft and make adjustments to strike a balance between the two.

Thanks for all of the advice =) if anyone has anything else it will be greatly appreciated I'm trying my best. Also is there anppy where I could go to watch someone mixing first hand
Your mix IS in mono right down the center, except for a couple of seconds at around 0:32 - 0:34 where you're getting some phase issues with the backing vocal, and again for a couple of seconds at around2:04 - 2:06 with similar phasing issues with that way over-autotuned back vocal. Actually pan thing in stereo and not only will it sounds like a real stereo mix, but those pahsing issues will probably disappear (not that they really are a major problem anyway.)

I have to respectfully disagree on the lead vocals and say that I think they sound pretty distorted in an unintentional way, and could use a lot of work.

At least part of it is the brick wall you're throwing them against; there's nothing wrong with limiting the vocal, especially in hip hop, but I think maybe you're hitting it a bit too hard and pulling up the low-level noise and distortion too much in the process (more on that in a minute.)

Another part of it is possibly a masking effect you're getting with a buzzsaw synth line you have in the background. It's hard to tell where the vocal ends and the buzz begins. Again, it sounds like you're hard-limiting everything at the same level when that buzzsaw could probably stand to come down inside the mix a bit.

That limiting is a problem with the whole mix. You're avoiding clipping fine by keeping everything just below -3dBFS, but the mix is still a brick at that point. You can brick hip hop, but you'd better make sure all your tracks play together OK when you do that, especially if you're going to throw everything right down the center.

The whole mix is NOISY, which is contributing as well. You've only got about 60dB of usable dynamic range because of a heavy noise level at about -63dBFS or so. That should not be there at all. I don't know if it's coming from your sound card or your synth instruments, but you'll have a real problem slamming your mix as hard as you want to when it's that noisy and still keep it clean-sounding.

Add in the signal offset of about -55dBFS that you're getting from probably one of or more of your synth emulations, and you're trying to fit a size 40 mix into a size 36 pair of jeans ;).

And finally, something needs high-passing - again I suspect a poor-quality synth emulation, but it could be something else - because you have a solid sub-bass (<50Hz) rumble in there that doesn't belong to the music itself. This could easily be messing with your car speakers in a bad way too.

If a lot of this sounds like mumbo-jumbo to you, just start off by not limiting your mix so damn hard. Limit your vocals some if you need to (and you probably do), but those synth sounds don't all need to be smashed against the same wall. And pan those suckers, not only just to get a stereo spread, but to get the competing and phasing tracks away from each other. Finally, get rid any noise remaining after that; preferably at it's source, but with at least a noiseprint filter as a last resort.


well thank you southside i appreciate the honesty. i knew i would be having some problems with recording but not this many i am having some trouble messing around with the mixer i am just moving the levels up and down on my vocals till they sound right in the mix. ive been trying to learn and its been two months already and i havent really gotten anywhere. i feel its because im using sonar 8 it just seems so hard and its so hard to find tutorials for it. maybe i should switch to an easier daw? as for the beat of this song i did not make it its an instrumental from another song maybe there are ways to make an already masterd beat to sound good with the mix but i havent figured that out yet. as for my vocals i dont know what to do..what do you mean by limiting?
maybe it could be my soundcard thats causing all of this since i did not make that beat. also when i have about 2 windows open on my desktop other then my daw sonar starts getting static and slowing down and when i play back a song it sounds as if its off beat with the song its weird. anbesty ideas? im trying to mix and make things sound good and maybe i could i just feel like im missing a couple basic things or maybe the computer is??
as for the beat of this song i did not make it its an instrumental from another song maybe there are ways to make an already masterd beat to sound good with the mix but i havent figured that out yet. as for my vocals i dont know what to do..what do you mean by limiting?
This seems to be an increasingly common problem (at least on this BBS); rookie recorders trying to match up their own vocals with pre-mastered beats.

The big issue there is that the "beats" you're using appear to have been fully mastered already. This is not uncommon, apparently. The problem with that is they have already been run through compression and limiting (limiting is just a very strong version of compression) and whatnot to sound good on their own, but with everything smashed to a brick already, it's difficult to fold in the vocals in a neat, clean way.

You can hear that as a problem in your car when your vocals do not stand out because the volume levels of everything are all the same. You can see that readily in your mix when you look at it in the timeline and your waveforms look as if you ran a grass cutter across them cutting everything flat at about -3dbFS (that's what we often call a "brick", because the waveform looks so flat and solid.)

Im surprised you're asking what limiting is, because I would swear that you have run your vocals through a limiter or heavy compressor; they are just too crunched and even-sounding to be completely unprocessed.

You have three choices; 1) make your own beats, probably an unrealistic option for you right now. B) re-master or un-master the beats you do have first to get some dynamics back into them so they're not so flat; also probably unrealistic to ask of you. III) reduce the volume of your beat track so the vocal is simply louder than the rest of it. This will not give you the optimum sound, but it's the only "easy" solution that won't require practice on your part first.

And also, the question remains whether your beats are mono on their own, in which case they're pretty troublesome. You really need some stereo beat tracks to give you some room to mix.
maybe it could be my soundcard thats causing all of this since i did not make that beat. also when i have about 2 windows open on my desktop other then my daw sonar starts getting static and slowing down and when i play back a song it sounds as if its off beat with the song its weird. anbesty ideas? im trying to mix and make things sound good and maybe i could i just feel like im missing a couple basic things or maybe the computer is??
Your sound card could certainly be the source of the high noise floor you're getting, if they are not already in the beats.

Close down everything on your PC - especially any Internet connections and browsers - while mixing. You don't need anything else open and you certainly don't need to be connected to that BP oil spill called the Internet while doing it.

Also, look up "latency" in your online help files in Sonar.

Some people find one DAW package easier to use than another, but it's really a matter of personal style and preference. And at the core, there's not a super-duper amount of difference between them, the differences are mostly in the fine details.

I think what most of it boils down to, fivestar, is you're discovering the unfortunate truth that this stuff, while not really all that hard, is not as easy as one thinks at the start. You'll get to a good mix the same way a musician gets to Carnagie Hall; practice, practice, practice ;).

I like the girl's vocals but the guy sounds too processed. A bit like a robot but I suspect there's a good voice under there. I don't like this kind of music normally but you have done a great job on it. I actually found myself getting into it. Well done.

Dr. V
thank you dr v. and yea i might have over autotuned it, now southside do you think i need to fix the settings in my motu then could that be the problem or does it really have an settings that need to be touched i see a couple of knobs on my motu like select,setup,para,value , and cursor (chan) up/down.
or do you think i juss put to much compression because i was looking at how i mixed the vocals i used a compressor and alsoo vintage chanel (vc64) and i just realized that is also a compressor. hmmmm.
what do you think??
thank you dr v. and yea i might have over autotuned it, now southside do you think i need to fix the settings in my motu then could that be the problem or does it really have an settings that need to be touched i see a couple of knobs on my motu like select,setup,para,value , and cursor (chan) up/down.
or do you think i juss put to much compression because i was looking at how i mixed the vocals i used a compressor and alsoo vintage chanel (vc64) and i just realized that is also a compressor. hmmmm.
what do you think??
I think that there's probably a tad much compression on the vocal - though you'll still want it compressed; but I don't think that's the #1 issue.

Personally (IMHO, YMMV, ETC.) I think the #1 issue is that the beat is just as compressed and just as loud as the vocal, which is a big part of the reason why the vocal doesn't sound so up front in real world playback. #2 right behind that and making #1 even worse i the fact that everything is in mono and stacked on top of each other right down the center.

#1 is something you can't do a whole lot about without more experience, TBH, other than dropping the whole beat down in volume a couple of dB behind the voice. You could carve out a little more space for the vocal with some EQ maybe, but without the practice, exact instruction would be pretty meaningless.

As far as #2, the question is whether the beat itself is in mono, or whether that's happening in the way you're saving or exporting your mixdown in Sonar.If it's the saving in Sonar, you need to look that up and fix your settings. If it's the beat itaelf that's in mono, between that and the heavy mastering in the beat, I could only suggest that you try and find some better quality beats, because an over-compressed, mono beat might be fine for a dance party mix, but it sucks for trying to mix vocals to.

thanks man i really appreciate the help ill keep practicing hopefully ull stick around to let me know if i have improved i should have another song coming out in about a month :):):):)
hopefully ull stick around to let me know if i have improved i should have another song coming out in about a month :):):):)
I mean this in the most sincere and constructive manner: You'll have improved when you don't need someone else's opinion as to whether you have improved or not. The #1 tool anyone has in this racket, and the one tool without which the rest are meaningless, are your own ears. :)

The #1 tool anyone has in this racket, and the one tool without which the rest are meaningless, are your own ears. :)

Yeah but in the future, right - people won't need ears cos they will 'ave wires goin' into their 'eads... and 'cos of contact lenses you won't need ears to keep yer glasses on and so humans will evolve with just smooth 'eads and robots will do everything for us...

Dr. V