I need help choosing gear


New member
I have an M-Audio Omni Studio which was fried and I'm looking for a replacement. This time around I'm planning to build a little home studio. I will build it in stages, meaning that I'll buy the essential parts at first and then slowly expand. I'm a newbie when it comes to hardware so probably I'll be asking a lot of dumb questions.

My current system looks like this: P4 3Ghz, 512MB ram, Cubase SX 2.0.

I'm currently a one man band. I write/record heavy metal music. I also use a lot of midi for spicing up things. I'll use the equipment to record guitars, bass and vocals, plus do some midi work. If you are wondering about drums, I've always used Battery and whatever drum samples I could find and that's how is gonna stay for the forseeable future.

Starting budget: $800-1000. So what do you guys recommend that I should get?

Also I need really need good samples for just about anything. Mostly I need good acoustic drum samples and classical instruments but like I said the plan is to expand.

Well that's about it for now.
So a soundcard is first. Is it safe to assume you only need 2 inputs at a time? There's a few choices there. Do you have mics, a mixer or pres?
For the moment I think 2 inputs are fine but I don't wanna limit myself. I have no mics, no mixers of pres. I'm starting from scratch.

for 800 bucks
hoontech dsp value - 100 bucks. ive heard its pretty good.
someone else on here says the new yamaha mg mixer they like - 100 bucks
mics - starter - CAD all the way. more i hear about these is
all positive. that should take care of say 400 bucks. leaving two hundred for a pair of yorkville monitors. use your home hi fi receiver to power them.
i assume you have some headphones.
hope this helps. i reckon you'll get pretty good quality like this.