I need Brutal H O N E S T feedback !!!


New member
Look, I am 41... Left music when I was 24 and just rediscovered in the last 5 years. I am way behind in technology... Here are a few of my recent Songs I have written and attempted to record... I know that technically they are WAY behind but I am looking for CANDID feedback as to whether or not my material and or talent is even worth continuing to work with. I have asked for feedback from a couple of local people with no response. I presume that may be my answer but I figure from here someone can Tell me exactly how it is!!! Please!

Note: I don't know how to directly upload on here so here is my myspace...


Thank you for sincere feedback/criticism!
Yes. By all means, continue.

The things to work on are EQ in the masters....typical beginner waxy, yellow midrange buildup, generally. Overuse of FX....you'll get over that.

The compositions leave much to be desired, and the care of execution is wanting......l'il sloppy. But each recording will make you better. Panning and mix are inconsistant...but sometimes, good.

Just record something, put it up, and attack the biggest bad habits and knowledge gaps one, or a few, at a time, trying the ideas and advice from the gang here.

Meanwhile, listen to what else it thrown up, listen, read, and learn.

You can't help but to get better.

I think the second selection was best.

Your acoustic sound is the biggest adder of mids pileup.

And remember....less is more...overall, there's a little too much music, and not enough space. Especially the whanging on the acoustic. Prune, open, relax. All good.

ps...open a SoundClick account...better quality listens...quicker load for listen.
Feeling Alright - too much reverb on the vocals - especially noticeable in the intro. Some pitchiness on the guitar leads - out of tune? The vocals were a little shaky at the beginning but settled in nicely after that. The rhythm guitars are a little muddy and undefined. I think the vocals could come up a bit - they get a bit lost when the lead comes in... The drum is well, drum machine and gets you by.

Tell us a bit more about your equipment and software?
Hey this is a good foundation, Patrick.
You've got the music in you, one can hear that in your songs. 41? Damn you younger guys! The important thing is to make music YOU are happy with, it doesn't matter what others think. Hang around here a lot, listen to other people's stuff, listen to the expert's advice (plenty of good techs and musicians here) and enjoy what you do, because in the end what it comes down to is your own satisfaction.;)

Joey :):):):)
Feeling Alright - too much reverb on the vocals - especially noticeable in the intro. Some pitchiness on the guitar leads - out of tune? The vocals were a little shaky at the beginning but settled in nicely after that. The rhythm guitars are a little muddy and undefined. I think the vocals could come up a bit - they get a bit lost when the lead comes in... The drum is well, drum machine and gets you by.

Tell us a bit more about your equipment and software?

Thanks for the feedback!!!
I am currently doing all on VS2000cd... I have a couple of Rode Mics (nt1a and nt1000) and a host of lesser MXL's etc... I have lazily been running my taylor direct as well as my electric and bass... I will probably always do that with my bass but I planning to start micing my taylor (blend with direct signal) and also mic my amplifiers for my guitar...
I am just now working with a Juno G and used it to build a drum track and for the first time tied it to my TD 8 which has better sounds... I like to be able to "say" that I played the drums on all but the one song... but the reallity is that I don't practice enough... So until then I will work on better drum tracking...