I need advice

Let me throw out another opinion which hasn't been voiced yet...
and although I know no one ever likes to hear the type of shit im going say, try not to take offense. I don't mean any of this in a negative way, but i am being honest...

Don't release an album.
I listened to some of the stuff on your website. You're not a good rapper.
You can be, with multiple years of hard work. but right now you aren't.
You sound like you're just getting your feet wet with this emcee shit.
content wise, delivery, sonically, production wise... all of it. it's clear you're a beginner. that's nothing to be ashamed of, but no one is going to buy your music because of this. you could have a street team 5 thousand members strong...if the music aint good it's worthless.

so my advice is don't release an album. it's far too soon for you. make an album if you want, for sure. but don't release it.
lay back and grow as an artist.

I think one of the pitfalls of this hi-tech age we live in is timing.
now everyone can make music. anyone can press an album. anyone can promote the shit out of themselves via myspace, youtube etc...
and so they do... before they have the chops. they try to make themselves famous overnight. and what happens? the same thing that happened in this thread. people clown them, cut them down, tell them to give it up etc...
and so they do. "everyones telling me I suck, so I must suck".
well, you do suck. FOR NOW.
if this thread were made five years in the future, and you had 5 solid years of rhyming under your belt, this thread would have went differently.

take your time man, get better before you start making moves. you'll be glad you did.

good luck man.
