I need a vocal mic/sound card/software solution

Aaron Malcom

New member

I am looking for several things:

A microphone (probably large-condenser or ribbon) under $1000 that has low noise and great sound for speaking and singing (vocals). It won't be used with any instruments, but I plan to record an 1800's translation of the Bible (and expect to make it available to others) as well as my own songs, sung acapella.

An excellent sound card solution. It need not come with the software, but I need to get the microphone's sound into the computer without distortion or loss of any sort.

Great software for doing the above.

And whatever else fits in to make it all work, such as a great set of headphones (But I can use my Sony MDR-V6 which I do like).

I've considered the Rode Broadcaster microphone and an in-line converter to RCA from XLR. The computer system is an Athlon-based system with plenty of power and a CD-R drive.

What components do you guys suggest? I expect that the microphone setup needs to be under $1000 or so, and the sound card under $600 w/o software and the software under $500. (Of course, if I can get a working sound system for less, I'd be happy.)

It all sounds simple, but I don't want to make a mistake.


Aaron Malcom

[This message has been edited by Aaron Malcom (edited 04-25-2000).]