I need a different Bass...........Help


I am NOT a Bass player, but like many of us here, I still need to play one for my tracks. I currently have a Peavey Milestone 3. It was cheap, and had 2 pickups which gave me a variety of sounds. For the money it doesn't play that bad, and I have received nice reviews for the tones I have recorded with it, but I don't think it will do the trick if I want to move forward with my playing.

Actually I have found playing Bass to be a blast. I know how important it is to my music and it can make a good tune great with the right line. I am looking to upgrade to something that gives me the most tone choices (important) but plays better. I'd like to try a little slappin, and this Peavey I have just seems dead on the low E string. I tried new strings, and set ups but I think I have a cheap Bass that won't do more than I already have tried.:(

I tried several over the past month (Ibanez, Fender, Squire, other Peavey) but the only thing that really stood out was an Alembic that was too much $$$$. I have good store connections and am confident I can get a deal, but does anyone have any suggestions of something I can try? I need that smooth feel.

Please be as specific as possible as my knowledge of make/model is limited for Bass. My budget would be in the $500.00 to $600.00 range.


And no 5 strings.....I have a rough enough time with 4!!!:D
Hey man you may want to try a Ibanez BTB400QM. I bought one a couple of months ago after playing many basses on a quiet day at GC (I know, Quite day?):D. This thing is a tone machine. It has a sweepable mid with active electronics and even playing through 2 15's I can get that cool slappen and regular sound with ease.

I must admit that there are other basses that might play a little better in this price range but, this one plays pertty nice and can get pretty much any sound.


PS you may want to have them bring out 2 or three to pick your favorite;)
you could try changein' out the Pickups and a better bridge..would be cheaper..Otherwise I'd look at a Fender P.Bass..They have them at various prices.Good luck

Being as you are a guitar player I would think a 5 string would be easier to play, concidering the strings are a bit closer together... I know awhile back when I was messing around with bass the 4 string Rick I had seemed really strange compared with guitar... the strings were so far apart...
I was thinking about getting me a 5 string for recording purposes...

not sure though....

Oh I loved my old 5 string sammick!! Mostly because it had 5 strings on a 4 string neck. All be it a piece of junk bass it was easy to play on. Very fast to move around on. I bought it when samick was just really hitting the guitar scene around my parts. (years ago)

To me the newer 5 & 6 sting basses do not have that quality. they seem to make the neck as wide as they want to keep the spacing of the strings traditional. I have found some that are close to the old samick but none have as narrow of neck.

Yeah i heard something about them only selling straight from the factory and bypassing most retail outlets. I'm not so sure about that though 'cause i've seen them in smaller stores. But here go www.carvin.com

I think I played one of those. It was pretty nice and had the active electronics. I think it had a contour body and was pretty sleek.

I may give that one a closer look!!

jcmm said:

I think I played one of those. It was pretty nice and had the active electronics. I think it had a contour body and was pretty sleek.

I may give that one a closer look!!


You may be thinking of the eurodyne series that I personaly don't think sounded as good. They did have a little thinner neck (which I like) but could not pull off the tones of the btb.

The eurodynes are plastic body guitars.


I'll tell ya it ain't half bad, If you want tone flexability I think you would be happy.

You can get any color as long as it's red.


There is one control that is two stacked knobs, Try setting all of the others to center (except the volume) and turn the stacked set to 10/all the way clock wise.


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I am surpised that no one has mentioned Yamaha basses. They are fairly priced and have a great versitle tone for slapping etc. I use my Yamaha more than my Alembic.

As a matter of fact. I did try out a couple of yamaha basses in the same price range. They where very nice. and played well. I just liked the ibanez a little better. The yamaha just doesn't have the eq set up that the ibanes does. and since I play throough a early 70's sunn head & cab with 2 15s seemed in my intrest.

You know tobias makes a bolt on 4 string that is pretty good to. there is only one place that I could find that sells them, and I cant remember them. But they go for $260.00 last I saw. and they play like a $400.00 bass. (at least the one I got my hands on)
nice fast neck.

Still lacking the mids a little though.


for any one who wants a gooood cheap bass.


and sold out at the moment


If there is a deal on a cheap bass I think this is it.
I have only played on a well used one that a lefty had messed with but I was very impressed for a $300 to $500 bass let alone $260.00 .I can not say that they are all as good though having only played one. All of the pickups and electronics where stock though.
