I NEED a 4-Channel Interface!!


New member
What I need to get: A 4x4 interface that will let me dump 4 tracks at a time from my Tascam 424 into my computer.

A perfect example of what I want (without PCI is) The M-Audio Delta 44. Unfortunately it is PCI and I am on a laptop.

I don't want to spend extra money on:Preamps. I already have enough. I just want to run the freaking tracks into my computer!!!

Ok go get one.

Seriously. Browse Musicians Friend or Zzsounds or Guitar Center and pick one. They'll all do what you want. Since you don't have a PCI slot, I'm assuming you want USB. I'm pretty sure M-Audio has a USB interface.
So don't you just need a 4 channel AD converter? Not an interface?

If you have a use for the rest of the stuff you get in an interface in the future, mebbe look at the next one up in the Focusrite range that has multiple dedicated line ins which I would assume don't go via the preamps. 18/6 I think it is..
I recently bought a Tascam US 600 for 150 bucks at GC. I think you can probably find it even cheaper online. It does what you want to do. I have no idea whether the line ins go through the pre-amps as someone above stated, but I suspect nobody could hear the difference either way... It's technically 6 x 4, but the extra two input channels are through digital audio jack which it sounds like you won't have a use for (neither do I). It also has a midi interface, which again you may not need (I DO! :) ). So, it has a few things you don't need, but it's a great unit for the price...

Not quite true, most interfaces with combo jacks, still run through the preamp, even though it is a line level input. This can work, but not the best input chain.

I'm using a preonus firepod as an A/D converter. I run a RAMSA 16x4 board into it. I take my 16 ins on the RAMSA, group them into 4, run those into the firepod, giving me 16 analog ins with 4 more digital ins.

In order for this to work, I have to turn down the preamp/line input gain for each in being used on the firepod, which all the newer I/Os should let you do.

Alternately, I should be able to turn down the RAMSA gain on each channel in the group if I wanted to use the presonus preamp.
I think he wants the cheapest way to do it that he can find. I'm not even aware of any 4 channel A/D converters ... are you? If so, I can't imagine they'd be cheaper than $150.

So don't you just need a 4 channel AD converter? Not an interface?

If you have a use for the rest of the stuff you get in an interface in the future, mebbe look at the next one up in the Focusrite range that has multiple dedicated line ins which I would assume don't go via the preamps. 18/6 I think it is..