I misplaced My Alesis MultimixFW16 Software CD...


New member
I'm going crazy, I can't find it!

Any ideas? Can someone send me a copy? I'll pay for shipping....

THanks :cool:
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you can get the wole software from the website my man. just look around.

Im pretty sure firmware and updates means both the whole program w/ the update. but you can check it out yourself.
DAS19 said:
you can get the wole software from the website my man. just look around.

Im pretty sure firmware and updates means both the whole program w/ the update. but you can check it out yourself.

I need to calm down :D:D I'll look slooooooowwwly!

Thanks guys!

P.S. I just put the Alesis i\O 26 in lay away @GC, is the same software I think.
I'll get it in a couple of weeks :cool: