I love the MR 8


New member
Just finished the backing track to a song I'm writing. a little cut and paste in Clubtracks and all the backing is done. Next thing is writing the ukulele part YIPPPEEE!!!!!
dyuob said:
Just finished the backing track to a song I'm writing. a little cut and paste in Clubtracks and all the backing is done. Next thing is writing the ukulele part YIPPPEEE!!!!!

Hey! I just recieved my Club Tracks in the mail from MF so now I can use it with my MR-8 just like you! er...well.. I gotto go install it now. I sure I might have a few questions...

Re: Free Trial Software?

Knopfler Fan said:
Are there any free trial software that I can check out? Clubtracks? ntracks?.......


yes, I use this one (right now) kinda limited but hey its free and easy to use. Here is the link:


It is called crystal audio engine. I am sure that there is better.

PS. Clubtracks is NOT installing to my computer because I have windows XP not 98 :(

Go to your help files, there you will find a way to make xp take programs that were designed for 98. It's been a while since I've done it, or I'd be able to tell ya. They say the memory is the first to go.
The n-Track trial version is pretty good (www.fasoft.com). It gives you a good idea if it's right for you.

What I like about it is that the designer clearly listens to his users - there are so many "little things" that just make sense. And for $45, it's a steal.
Re: Re: Free Trial Software?

clifchamb said:

PS. Clubtracks is NOT installing to my computer because I have windows XP not 98 :(


Did you get it to install? I had no problem (but, I am running ME).
Re: Re: Re: Free Trial Software?

dyuob said:
Did you get it to install? I had no problem (but, I am running ME).
I gonna try again I'll let you know. The cake walk useres are giving me all kinds of things to try. too bad I don't speak computer language:)

Seriously clif,
GO TO YOUR HELP FILE!! It makes it so easy to do it, it specifically has a place for installing programs not made for xp.
bdbdbuck said:
Seriously clif,
GO TO YOUR HELP FILE!! It makes it so easy to do it, it specifically has a place for installing programs not made for xp.

I will give it a try. thanks for all your help.

"Never Never Give up!"--Winston Churchill

Does anyone have an idea how to install Clubtracks on XP?

I followed the directions for compatibility mode and installation starts. But some time during the installation it complained about an error with a W95???.dll referring to Window Media Player. My assumption is that this is a Windows 95 dll. I looked on the disk and cannot find this file (why is there a second CD with Clubtracks?).

The installation appears to complete, but after I set the compatibility mode for the program and tried to run it, I get a dll error which I assume is due to the problem during installation.

Anyone successfully installed Clubtracks on XP? I like to do how you did it. Thanks.

Is Cakewalk Plasma the sequel to Clubtracks? Maybe they have an upgrage that solves the XP issues.