I know you can do this in Pro Tools, can you do it in CEP?


New member
i know you can merge two seprate tracks into one using the duplicate feature in pro tools, is there a feature where i can merge two sets of recording into one in CEP? Because i sometimes have two sets of vocals i want to be one.

thank you
right click (and hold) the block of vocals in question and move it into the same track as the other vocals..... comprendre?

probably not what you're asking but its what i do
thats what i do now, i want to know if when i bring it into the same track as my other vocal track can i merge the two so they can become one track instead of two.
First I would solo the tracks that I wanted to merge, then adjust their respective volumes, as usual, check your levels, turn off any real-time FX that you don't want recorded onto the new track, if making a stereo track don't forget to adjust the pans as well.

Next, select the tracks that you want to merge, then click on "edit", then "mixdown to empty track (bounce)" - "selected waves", there is an option for creating a mono track if you want. That should get the job done.
Strryder said:
First I would solo the tracks that I wanted to merge, then adjust their respective volumes, as usual, check your levels, turn off any real-time FX that you don't want recorded onto the new track, if making a stereo track don't forget to adjust the pans as well.

Next, select the tracks that you want to merge, then click on "edit", then "mixdown to empty track (bounce)" - "selected waves", there is an option for creating a mono track if you want. That should get the job done.
