I just wanna say.....


Thanks to all you guys here for being such good friends to me, & helping me out at a time that I really, really needed it. It's just so hard for me to believe that you guys would do things like you've done, to a total, complete stranger they've never met in person, basically without even thinking twice about it, when some members of my own family wouldn't do anything like this... I'm just simply amazed, & basically speechless...

I'm just so thankful
for what you all have done, & while I can (and will) repay you, I just cannot thank you enough. The past year or so have truly been the hardest time in my life without a doubt, but especially since about September of last year, things have been really, really tough for me, not only financially, but health-wise too...

This is truly a great place, with a whole bunch of great people that I'm honored to be a part of, & again, I cannot thank everyone enough for helping me through these hard times I've been having...

While I'm still not completely "out of the woods" just yet, my uphill battles both financially & health-wise seem to be over, & things should be a lot better as time passes, instead of clawing my way uphill, things should be like a smooth coasting ride before too much longer....

From the bottom of my heart thanks again guys, I feel really fortunate to have friends like I've got here at Home Recording!!!
Cheers, Miner. I've been catching bits and pieces of your struggles over the last several months and it's great to know that you're back on the mend and things are looking up. Here's to many years to come, with 4x12 cabinets shaking the house to pieces!
Thanks again guys, I just felt like I needed to make this "public" if that makes any sense coming from a backwoods, redneck hillbilly.....:)
Glad you're getting your shit together, Miner. Whenever you didn't post for a few days over the last few months I started to worry that you'd popped your clogs.

Curious though - you always say you're from the arse end of nowhere - where exactly do you live?
Just saw this now. I only visit 2 or 3 sections of this place any more. I only saw this because you referred to it in the "Tones" thread.

Thanx for thanx. :) I'm sure that nobody who helped you was looking for a pat on the back or any public recognition. But, just the fact that you took the time to thank people shows that you deserved it to begin with.

Things can only get better for you now, and I'm sure they will. :cool: