I just ticked my wife off !!


I am a guitarist who has spent a little more than I should have in the last year. I have been wanting a keyboard to round out my recording options for some time but couldn't bring myself to spend the $$$$


Mars goes belly up and I couldn't resist.

I just came home with a Roland RS-9

I almost bought the RS-5 but they didn't have one NIB and I didn't want one that every kid in town has banged on for who knows how long so I went with the 88 key version.
I figured I could sell her with the old "Well the kids can take piano lessons now" line but the reaction was tepid at best.

It may help if some of my fellow BBS bros can let her know I got a good deal !
(nudge, nudge, say no more )

I paid $719.00 plus tax for one in an unopened box.
Couldn't find anything on the net that could touch that price and they were even topping $800.00 on ebay used. (well maybe they included a stand) so the question is

Did I do well???
Dude, if you're still alive you've done well. (After ticking the wife off that is...:D )

My wife was pretty bent after I spent $25 on a '62 Lowrey DSO Heritage I found @ the Sally a couple of weeks ago. Told her about it @ the dinner table, not sure she believed me. Unfortunately, as my bro's truck was backed up to the door and we were unloading it, she came home from work to catch us in the act. I was hoping to sneak it in the house and replace my other beast with it - she wouldn't have been much the wiser. :eek:

I feel you about the wife situation. I don't have a wife, but I already feel the pressure from my girlfriend...
Anywyas, how did you get more than 20% off at Mars? I called the one in Indianapolis up and they told me everything is just 20% off, that's it.
Take care, jcmm. A shinny RS9 is really hard to convience people that it was just a small investment. It just looks too fancy!!

Hi Al,
That was their 20% off price.
I think retail was $975.00 or something and it went from there.
I was glad to get one in an unopened box!
(Last one!!!)

Shes coming around.................
After 18 years she is getting used to it
Ah ha, i see. I checked 8th st. and they are selling those for $995, that's why I thought you got a 27% off deal :)

Anyways, good job, you really got an awsome deal!!

Hey Jim,
My folks have an old Hammond. I remember when the people unloaded it off the truck and carried it in the house new (around 1965)
I am not sure which model it is but it is huge, and heavy!
They have been trying to unload it on me for a while but I just don't have a place to put the thing. Besides, my kids would have it destryed in no time and I don't think I could bear the memories!

Seems no matter what I do my wife knows I did it.
Simply amazing !

After spending a few hours on this thing I am quite impressed.
I don't know diddley about these things and was able to get a ton of great sounds (preset) out of it without much effort.
A truly amazing piece of machinery..............

AND, my kids are into it which got me outta the doghouse.........

Now I just gotta find a way to make the zillion rubles I promised my wife I'd make :D :eek: :( :p :D
jcmm said:
Hey Jim,
My folks have an old Hammond. I remember when the people unloaded it off the truck and carried it in the house new (around 1965)
I am not sure which model it is but it is huge, and heavy!
They have been trying to unload it on me for a while but I just don't have a place to put the thing. Besides, my kids would have it destryed in no time and I don't think I could bear the memories!

Seems no matter what I do my wife knows I did it.
Simply amazing !

There should be a name plate on the back of the thing, does it have a seperate speaker cabinet, or buil in speakers. I would be glad to help you identify it...Free hammonds dont come along often, dont pass it up.
It has a built in speaker, about a dozen pedals on the ground and a "Rythm Ace" unit they bought for a drum beat.
All from around 1965. I remember getting lessons on the thing as a kid (born in 1960) It was the only formal music training I ever had aside from the baritone in band class.
I also remember to turn it on you had to flick one switch (under the keys) and hold it up until you flicked a second one for a few seconds. Kinda winding the thing up. It has 2 sets of keys and a bunch of sliders on and switches on the left side to change the sounds.
Next time I am there I will crawl behind it and see if I can get a model #

You got me thinking now Bdgr................
Well, its definately a tone wheel, though not a B3 or a C3, it still probably worth having. Let me know what it says. Get it, and a motion sound leslie simulator and you really have something.
BTW, if it hasnt been oiled in a while, you might wanna do that first thing. Hammond oil only.
Just for future reference, put away your mad money in a safe place. When you go and buy an expensive piece like that which can be hard to justify to a woman with no musical talent, take it out of the box, hide the reciept, find a little dust to shake on it, unwrap the power cord and anything else that is tie wrapped, hide the manual, and tell her you got it at a yard sale for $50.
This always works for me.
Thats a nice scam Stealth.
But I know she would see through it...............we've just been together too long. And as corny as this sounds, I don't think I could do it.

They have a web site but there is nothing there in terms of pricing. The best you can do is find the one nearest you and hit it in person.
The web site would work for that

...the Hammond sounds like a M-103 (spinet type), just from the way you described it anyway...Mine's a '68...and sounds awesome through a Leslie (not mine...the studio's I work at) FWIW...
Also oiling it (Hammond oil ONLY- no kidding), as previously mentioned, is a must...
soundphaRm said:
...the Hammond sounds like a M-103 (spinet type), just from the way you described it anyway...Mine's a '68...and sounds awesome through a Leslie (not mine...the studio's I work at) FWIW...
Also oiling it (Hammond oil ONLY- no kidding), as previously mentioned, is a must...
I had a friend who used 3 in 1 oil. He doesnt have a hammond anymore, it died a horrible death.
Can I get the oil online somewhere?

Knowing my Dad it hasn't been done since I was a kid.
Since they haven't turned it on forever hopefully it isn't too late.

I'd like to get some before I go over there without having to shag around town too get it

Any ideas anyone?

And Thanks for the help!
jcmm said:
Can I get the oil online somewhere?

Knowing my Dad it hasn't been done since I was a kid.
Since they haven't turned it on forever hopefully it isn't too late.

I'd like to get some before I go over there without having to shag around town too get it

Any ideas anyone?

And Thanks for the help!
for all your hammond needs.

Just give the Ol' Lady $900 to redecorate the bathroom, kitchen and den, plus have a Starbucks coffee or two,... and all will be forgiven.;)