I having a problem mixng my tracks on my PT LE 8


New member
Ok.. I get alot of my instrumentals, that I use for my mixtapes online from different producers. The problem that I'm having is that when I load them up there not clipping but there are peaking around 3 db or higher but not in the red. When I record a track, I normally turn them down some, so that I can hear myself record through the headphones. But when Its time to mix the track and I turn the instrumental back up to 0 db and level off my vocals, the punch from the instrumenal is gone. It's like I turn it down to far and the bass line (808's) are not as strong as it was when it was turn up higher, were it originally was. But if I crank it back up to were it was from the beginning, It drowns out my vocals. What steps should I take to fix this problem. (I know different producers make beats different) but alot of them are pretty good and am just trying to get that right mix.:confused: Oh yea I have good clear recording, but if I turn up my vocals to try and make up for the loud instrumental then my vocals clip in the red and now there distorted
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In a simple reply...nothing. what you were doing is fine, get your track mastered and your good to go. your expecting mastered quality from a mix...listen to your ears. if you know how to eq then boost the bass without lossing the clarity of your vocals and your problem is solved. of course if you knew to do that you wouldn't be here asking so your next question will be what frequencies and i will then tell you to search boosting bass frequencies on google and all will be answered to you.
the art of mixing music!!!

hi first i was unclear about some of the details you posted, correct me if i am wrong but you download the instrumental tracks of the internet given to you by other producers? then those tracks pick at 3db or -3db? a pick at 3db would be considered clipping so i assume you ment -3db. am i following it so far?
well first lowering your tracks volume in pro tools should do nothing to affect the sounds i assume the problem is that the vocal track and the beats or instruments mask each other and that is why the beats are not as paunchy and the vocals get masked by the instruments. and that is why the track have to be mixed!!! it wont be enough to just record the vocals and thats it, but you also do not need mastering to fix the problem just yet, you need a mixing engineer!
by using EQ, panning on both vocals and beats you can create space in the center of the mix for your vocals to come out through without affecting the beats. compressors can help positioning the vocal track above the beats and help it to stend out (only start compressing if you know what you are doing and have tried eq and pan first).
finely fx like delays and very very little reverb (realy... only use a little bit)
can help your vocals rise above the instrumts and cut through a bit more without acctually being much louder.
good luck please let us know how you did