I have to make an important career decision...


ADD -- blessing and curse
By Friday.

Ok, background:

I sent in a resume to a position I knew little about. I thought there may be computer programming involved in this position (more specifically, web-based programming with .NET).

Anyway, I go through the interview process, and everything goes well.

The place I would be working is roughly half the distance that I drive now.

Well, I get an email today that says they want to make me an offer. So the HR lady calls me, and we're discussing the position. She said it's roughly $2,500 less than I am making now. So essentially, I would be moving away from coding (there is no programming at all in this position), into this new position, at less pay.

The insurance benefits seem good (they're half the $$$ I'm paying now).

I hate to think I might be missing an opportunity, but I don't really want to get into a place where I'm stuck, and can't advance my programming skillsets...

So, I have until Friday to make the decision. Right now, I am leaning towards declining the offer, but I don't know...
It's defiantly a leap of faith but you must go where you be the happiest and that the bottom line. there is nothing worst than a job you hate.
Are you currently happy where you are? What motivated you to apply for a new job in the first place?

Is the reduction in pay offset by reduced travelling costs (and time) and insurance benefits?

Despite no programming, does the work of the new job appeal to you?

Did you discuss development prospects with the HR person?

Do you have longer-term goals and aspirations, and if so, can you tell which job is likely to be the best stepping stone?
Are you currently happy where you are?

Not really.

What motivated you to apply for a new job in the first place?

A lot of different factors.

Is the reduction in pay offset by reduced travelling costs (and time) and insurance benefits?

I don't think so. Money is tight enough as it is.

Despite no programming, does the work of the new job appeal to you?

It's ok. I don't know, as I don't know the full depth of the position.

Did you discuss development prospects with the HR person?

No, I didn't.

Do you have longer-term goals and aspirations, and if so, can you tell which job is likely to be the best stepping stone?

Yes, but I don't think I would be able to get to them with either position.
I've decided what I'm going to do.

I'm going to make a counter-offer. The counter offer will be my current salary plus 10%, and the benefits promised previously.

I guess we'll see what they say...
Possibly a dumb question, but if your benfit contributions will be half of what you're paying now (for what I assume to be an equivalent quality of coverage), are you paying more than $5,000 a year for insurance? That'd be about $420 a month if you're paid monthly, $208 if you're paid bimonthly, or about $98 if it's weekly. I pay as an individual so that seems like an awful lot to me, but a family plan I expect would be quite a bit higher, so it's not totally out of whack... If you're paying that or more, then your take-home will actually be higher at this new place.

Aside from that, I don't know what to tell you. Anyone who tells you the money doesn't matter is full of shit, it's not like I come in every morning because it beats sitting on my couch and drinking beer, you know? Taking a pay cut, even a fairly small one, is no light decision.

All the same, it's not everything - about a year ago I turned down what'd have been a $10k increase with a rival largely because I'd worked in an accounting group there in the past, and knew that while the long term prospects might be better (and the money would have been as well), I'd be absolutely shit on for at least the first year. The fact that when we first started discussing salary requirements they were willing to go $15-20k but they cut back to exactly $10k over my current salary at the last second both did not hurt my decision, and was pretty indicative of why I turned them down. :p

Hey, good luck either way, man - keep me posted.