I have three of them, and my mixes aren't getting better...


New member
Do you use them during tracking, mixing, or on the 2bus? I am so confused, I thought all the pro studios had them for a reason, and for the life of me I can't see where they fit in to make things sound better? Do you use them before or after compression? What if you are using a limiter? DOH! Help! Of course I am talking about my lava lamps. Do I need to turn on all three to get the best effect or is less more?
Maybe I just need bigger lava lamps, like the 2-3 feet tall ones, that would make for a better mix, yes??? Or should I just use them at the tracking stage going into the box???
diverdavid said:
Are they Chinese clone lava lamps or are they tube? :D

Well they don't have LEDs, they use light bulbs which is a tube. Wait, I do have one with LEDs, its a smaller glitter one, but really bright for its size, and turns three different colors.....hmmmm color, bright, maybe I am getting somewhere here.
My God, they are all the same color, right? 'Cause if you mix them, the spectral frequencies will cause comb-filtering within your mixes, making them too yellow usually.

Stick with blue.
If they're the original Lava lamps, I'd turn'em all on at the same time. If it's the newer type with the glitter, go easy on them cause they'll made your mixes sound, well, maybe a bit on the glittery side. :D
One is a Lava Lamp branded, but its not vintage, maybe that is where I have gone wrong. Then I have one that instead of calling the stuff the bubbles upto the top "lava", they call it "earth". And then I have one built into a floor lamp I forget what brand it is. And finally I do have a lava lamp branded glitter lamp, that you turn upside down then right side up and glitter moves real slowly while LEDs in side the bottom turn different colors.

So no vintage, not all of them are tube, they are all different colors (which I thought would help), and they are all in the control room (nothing in the tracking room for the singers to look at, but maybe thats a good thing?).

I am busting my butt on this lava lamp thing, I will figure out their true nature in a pro setting soon enough, and when that happens, can we say grammy would only be one mix away?

Till then, my mixs must go on cruddy and all.
Placement, placement, placement. . .

". . .I've never had a problem with the blue ones . . ."
---Bill Murray in "Where The Buffalo Roam

Okay, put one in the studio, one in the Dining room and one in the kitchen. Make sure the studio one is the first on. That should solve your problem and bring World Piece. (Save me a slice.)