I have doubts!


New member
Hi folks!

I'm almost recording my new theme but I still have some doubts to solve and get a better, clear and separate sound. So what is the best position in PAN for:

1)rythm guitar - main riff of the song
2)rythm guitar - doubling the guitar 1 to get a fatter sound
3)bass - Midlle, left, right? What's the correct use for the bass guitar?
4) Drums- Middle? Whata about the rolls? Toms?
5) Guitar solo - Is there a criteria?

I hope you can help me. The new song is good but I need to do a good mixing to improve it.

Help me please,

Giovanni Capitani
Rule #1: there are no rules.

However, here's how I'd start out: if your rhythm guitar is doubled, pan each track hard to one speaker, so you have one in the left and one in the right. That'll get you some nice stereo separation. There's probably not much reason to pan the bass--leave it in the middle (however, see rule #1). For my drums, I put the kick and snare in the middle, and pan the overheads in varying amounts (I almost never pan those hard). I only use one mic for toms, and it goes in the same channels as the overheads, because I only have four tracks into the PC. So my toms stay in the middle out of necessity. For the guitar solo, I'd just have to hear the song and decide what would sound best.

Remember, your stuff can be more exciting if you strategically break some rules!

Boa sorte com a nova música. Quando você termina, deve pôr um mp3 aqui para nós ouvir.
I will try to be more especific. Let's talk about the rythm guitars.
(I use n-track studio software to record my track)
The pan control in this program goes 0 to 100 (right) and 0 to
-100 (left).

I've already read that the best position is for example 100 in right channel and - 10 in left channel. I also have read that correct use it's put 100 (r) and - 100 (L).

I don't know what to do. I've tried both but I didn't see any clear difference.
Could you still help me?

ps.: sorry for the ignorance. I know that you are laughing a lot about these silly questions. But what can I do :-)
Don't worry about not knowing stuff yet. We're happy to help.

As I said, there is no 'correct' or 'incorrect' use. For double-tracked guitars, I put the pan controls at 100 on one track and -100 on the other (I also use n-Track). Sometimes I get more creative: if I've recorded a guitar with an amp mic and a room mic, sometimes I put the amp at 10 or so and the room mic at around -60. The room mic is a quieter signal in the mix, so panning it harder is not as unusual sounding.
. . .also make sure your doubled guitar tracks are "different". . . some people like to just copy them and call that a double. . don't work that way :) either use two mics or copy the track and use a pitch shifter and very slightly change the pitch of one track. . .most people just use 1 cent out of tune . . .helps it sound "fuller" . . .I go with 2 mics unless its a really cutting guitar and I just keep the best one of the two (make sure you mic the best speaker, usually the bottom right as you look at it or just the first speaker in the wire chain.
I did that on my last mix. I doubled the guitar part by playing twice but tuned one guitar down a cent or so.

I panned one at 0300 and the other at 0900. Sounds really good. Like it's been chorused. Really fattens it up and adds some depth.

Bass up the middle, and I pan the toms from about 1030 to 0130 on a fill across the toms as the drums are changing.

Piano is always in stereo if I can afford the tracks. Lead vocal up the middle and harmony left or right of center depending on what's on the other side.

As for lead? I don't know. Like Whoopy said, I'd have to hear it to see where it fits.

I don't play much lead guitar at all. I play lead piano and that's usually in stereo. That could be anywhere depending upon which octave I'm playing in or what instrument I'm trying to keep from stepping on.
Oh yeah!
That's all I need! Thank you all!
Right now I'm with a problem in my right hand. As soon as I've get ready I'll show the results of the song.

See ya.

Capitani said:
Oh yeah!
That's all I need! Thank you all!
Right now I'm with a problem in my right hand. As soon as I've get ready I'll show the results of the song.

See ya.


Huh huh...hey Beavis, is there something wrong with your right hand?

Mm...heh heh...ummm...yeah. I mean, um, no! Buttknocker. Heh heh.