I have an Echo Mia input/output question.......


New member
I'm using two microphones on a guitar cabinet. I have the xlr cable for each going into channels 1 and 2 respectively on my mixer. I'm using the channel inserts on channels 1 and 2 (thanks, Track Rat :) ) to go to the inputs on my soundcard. In Sonar, when choosing an input, if I go with Mia right, one mic works, if I go with Mia left, the other mic works, as it should, I think. I need them to work at the same time, on the same Sonar channel, without choosing the Mia stereo input ( I don't want one mic on one side and the other on the other). I hope this makes sense.

Do I need two single female 1/4 to dual male 1/4's adaptors, one for the soundcard side and one for the mixer side? So I guess I'm asking if I can "y" the inserts of two channels together to get both mics to work at the same time without being stereo.

If this makes any sense at all, :) and there's an easy way to do what I want, I'm open to that too. :D

Thanks for your help.
I just thought of something..............couldn't I just use 1 "y" connector at the mixer connecting the two inserts and then run it to 1 input on the soundcard, then just choose that one input as the recording input?
id keep them separate but just pan them center....that way it wouldnt be left/right, and youll have the flexability later of processing them separate (volume,effects).....
I have my Mia set so Analog In's 1 & 2 record to one channel in Cool Edit.

However, it does seperate left from right, so you'll need to pan center, and mix down to a new track if you only want one wave.