I have a doubt


New member
Hi folks!

I'm almost recording my new theme but I still have some doubts to solve and get a better, clear and separate sound. So what is the best position in PAN for:

1)rythm guitar - main riff of the song
2)rythm guitar - doubling the guitar 1 to get a fatter sound
3)bass - Midlle, left, right? What's the correct use for the bass guitar?
4) Drums- Middle? Whata about the rolls?
5) Guitar solo - Is there a criteria?

I hope you can help me. The new song is good but I need to do a good mixing to improve it.

Help me please,

Giovanni Capitani
I doubt you will get many replies unless we can hear the song...

Or are you just asking for panning advice in general?
hey Capitani, there are other forums that contain all the answers to these questions.. Read through some of the stuff in the ' Mixing and Mastering' forum for example.. Maybe post this question over there... Just a thought my man..
I was asking for panning advice. Is there any rules to do this? What do usually use in your songs?

I will try it in another forum anyway.

Rules? There are no rules.

You might be over intellectualizing. Go for what sounds good to you based on your tastes. The answer to what everyone else does is out there for you to learn. My advice has always been to listen, listen, listen... to your favorite recordings.

As a general rule I do it this way most of the time. Drums and Bass centered to drive the song. Rhythm guitars hard left and right. The other stuff I play with from there just to see how it sits. Oh yeah Vox is usually at center as well unless I double it the each is just off center left and right. Solos usually right down the middle. Now thats just the way I like it. You gotta like the sound yourself and then post it on here and let us hear it!!

Move over Rover and let Jimi take over...
The King
I will try to be more especific. Let's talk about the rythm guitars.
(I use n-track studio software to record my track)
The pan control in this program goes 0 to 100 (right) and 0 to
-100 (left).

I've already read that the best position is for example 100 in right channel and - 10 in left channel. I also have read that correct use it's put 100 (r) and - 100 (L).

I don't know what to do. I've tried both but I didn't see any clear difference.
Could you still help me?

ps.: sorry for the ignorance. I know that you are laughing a lot about these silly questions. But what can I do :-)