I hate lyrics

for me the song and the lyrics come together. i can't really write out a whole piece then write lyrics. when i do, the two don't jive turkey.

everyone is different. some people write music first, then lyrics or vice versa, or at the same time.

I think the key to good lyrics is one line.

it take one line to start, and starting is the hardest part. once you have that line, then you have a framework. then it's all in the revision.
I have to agree that finding a line is the key to start. When I write I normally find a line (often what may become the "hook") and that is what I build from.

As an example, a few days ago I was working on a chord progression and I was simply humming and scatting a melody over the chord changes when one particular line came to the surface "Everybody knows the truth".

For a couple of days I had nothing more than a chord progression (harmony), a general strumming pattern (rhythem) and a melody - but no lyrics, other than "Everybody knows the truth".

Then last night a story line started to build about a woman in a worn, faded wedding gown, but everyone in town knows her man left her at the alter. She's trying to act like a blushing bride and carry herself with some sad dignity, but.......everybody knows the truth.

You just need to find something to start with and then trust the muse!!!!
like you i seem destined to write instrumentals.... good ones but still instrumentals... i've tried a couple of lyricists but never really got on the same page... it's almost like marriage...
Lol. Okay just finished up big dumb punk rock song. Gonna start tracking it tomorrow. :p

Now that's the way to do it...hell, whatever it's about lyricly, doesn't really matter, as long as all the parts mesh into a song. :D
Greg_L said:
I'm finally starting to try to write my own stuff. My problem is I draw a lot of influence from the music I like, and I always compare it to the bands I'm inspired by, and always scrap it in disappointment. I think my riffs and arrangements are okay, but my lyrics suck. I have nothing to say and don't feel anything. Everything I come up with is dumb. How do yall do it? :mad:

Originally Posted by Greg_L~Yeah I could, but I'd really like to figure it out on my own.

Originally Posted by Greg_L~I'm not trying to be a piece of a great song. I'd settle for a mediocre song that's all me.:o

Originally Posted by Greg_L~ halfway rhymes and tells a dumb little story.

Originally Posted by Greg_L~It's gonna rock! :p

I'm finally starting to try
to write my own stuff
but it makes me cry
My problem is ..I draw a lot of influence
from all the music I like...I'ma psyched..I'ma psyched...

I'ma always comparing it
bands that inspire me
always scrappin' it
I think their okay...all my riffs, my arrangements
my lyrics suck tit..disappoint me..disappoint me...

I'm trying to do this on my own
I'm not trying to be a great song
I'd settle for mediocre
a song that's all me
halfway rhymes...dumb story lines
I'm trying to do this on my own
It's gonna rock...gonna rock

I have nothing to say that's cool
don't feel anything right
Everything sounds dumb
I'd really like...to figure it out on my own
How do yall do it? How do yall do it? ..do it..do...

I'm trying to do this on my own
I'm not trying to be a great song
I'd settle for mediocre
a song that's all me
halfway rhymes...dumb story lines
I'm trying to do this on my own
It's gonna rock...gonna rock

There ya go...a song you wrote all by yourself....and didn't know it.:D:eek::D

Even when I did drugs, I never wrote good songs.

It just sounds better and cooler than "oh, my last girlfriend", or "you know, how we should get out of Iraq", or some other lame bullshit.

ps, say it's about drugs even if it is about your last girlfriend or Iraq.
sorry to go on......but what was that they said about jack of all trades....

the thing i find about somebody else writing the lyrics is that u can really concentrate on the vocal or the composition without worrying about somebody turning around and slagging off the content.

you just say .. its not my lyrics!!

and the great thing is that now you can really attack the track with a kind of disconnected vigour that would be impossible if u had wrote the lyrics.

unless u go through each scenario...you probably wont appreciate what i am on about.

i suppose its a suck it and see excercise......and i feel the taste might not be to your satisfaction.