I got this idea fermenting in my head...

I admit, I'm no handy man. But Ikea furniture usually gives me ideas, sometimes good; sometimes not that great...but I think I might have something here : GORM Shelving unit - 78x35x174 cm - IKEA

I'm thinking of using the bottom part for my rack/recording interface, the middle shelf for my mixer and J-Station...a hole could be strategically drilled in the shelves to accommodate a microphone pole...with a staple gun, an old comforter could be attached to the top part and sides, creating a makeshift mic iso-booth. I could even add my cheap foam wedges for more sound absorption. I have a bamboo room divider (yes, another Ikea find) with a bunch of throw blankets on it that I place behind me (facing the mic).

I'm hoping that it would serve two purposes: tidy up my PC home studio corner, and if I'm lucky - isolate the mic from ambient noise. My mics are all cardioid but the reality is that due to lack of space the microphone pole is 2 feet away from a wall (the back of the mic faces the wall). Sheet rock walls, plaster ceiling and parquet wood floors= lots of reflections on top of the ambient noise.

I wonder if there's a way to fine-tune the sound dampening material for the mic section of the shelves? Y'know like, keep it sounding flat rather than too boomy or boxy?
That Gorm shelf is WOBBLY. I mean WOBBLY.

Yes, it is affordable.

But a good friend with some woodworking tools can help you build something far more structurally stable for your gear.

that desk looks really nice. Im going to build one soon, but I haven't had much ideas for the design (shame on me, Im an industrial designer) and yours gave me a couple. My new computer is coming in a couple of weeks as well as my monitors, so I need a good desk to fit all of my workstation in
In defense of my idea, the wobble subsides if you put the heavy stuff at the bottom of the shelves (which is what I did). If anything, it cleans up that corner nicely. I'm still working on the mic compartment...it'll never replace an actual Reflexion filter or actual room treatment (neither of which I can afford at this time) but...those old dusty pillows I've been hanging onto in a closet are coming in handy, ditto with those cheap foam wedges...