i got my hands on a mixer!!!!!!


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i got my hands on a mixer!!!!!!

whats up, i just got my hands on a new mixing console for my home stuido. And i wanted to know if anybody could advised me on how to hook it to my pc. Im running pro tools and i want to use the pres on the mixer. The mixer is a little old but it still works(yamaha mx 12/6). i have my money tied up into alot of other things(music related) to up grade right now. so if i can get some help with this it would be coo
Jim i have that, but i guess my question is how to hook it up. i have use the inputs and the outputs on both the mbox and the mixer. maybe im using the wrong ones or not connecting the right ones. if someone can tell me how (if possible) to connect the mbox to the mixer i could make it from there. this whole producer thing is kinda(ok really) new to me. i want to learn the ins and the outs of this thing. with the right push, in the right direction.