i goofed the first time, so here is attempt no.2...


New member

i'm just trying to get a few opinions about my music. i goofed the first time i tried this because i didnt include the hotlink.

when you check it out, please keep a couple of things in mind...
it's a one-man-band, and i've never had lessons (about how to play or recording, it's all been self taught).

thanx in advance for any input... good, bad, or other.

I´ve heard just three songs, but I think you have some potential. You´re trying to experiment with melody and that´s the way I like it. If it was free of some metal cliché (i.e. "rough" voice, doble-kick etc.) and if it was not so repetitive, I would really like it. You may however still work on your recordings techniques - drums doesn´t sound real - maybe you should use NIN method and make them sound more "industrial". ;)

I´ve heard just three songs, but I think you have some potential. You´re trying to experiment with melody and that´s the way I like it. If it was free of some metal cliché (i.e. "rough" voice, doble-kick etc.) and if it was not so repetitive, I would really like it. You may however still work on your recordings techniques - drums doesn´t sound real - maybe you should use NIN method and make them sound more "industrial". ;)

thanx for the responce and comments. some of the songs i've recorded have more double-kick than others, it all depends on what the song calls for to me... though i will admit, i am trying to let them breathe a little more in that department lately.
the voice... well, what can i say. even though some people (that have actually heard it) say i have a decent "clean" voice, i tend to prefer the rougher edge personally.

again, thanx for the feedback!!!