I don't, I won't, I can't


New member
This is the title of a song I've written in the past few weeks, and recorded a couple of weeks ago.

Probably, I should have put this in the MP3 clinic, but the thing is, I spend most of my time on this forum, and have come to value the opinions of the various members here. And I checked out some of the responses to other songs on that forum, and guessed that I might get more useful comments here.

Setup: DMP3 preamp, Echo Mia soundcard. Maton CW80 acoustic guitar recorded with a pair of Studio Project C4s. Vocal recorded with Shure KSM32. Monitoring: A pair of Sennheiser HD270 headphones through Soundblaster Live outs.

Very little processing has been done to the track; I rolled a touch of high end off the vocals, and put a hint of reverb on them. The guitar I compressed slightly, but did nothing else to it.

I don't, I won't, I can't

I guess it sounds kind of OK to me, but I'm curious to get some other opinions.

Oh, and if you want to kick me to the kerb for an inappropriate post, feel free. My ass is slavering for your boots... (or something like that...)
Anyone else got any MP3's to share?

Hognogger's decided to move the MP3 clinic up here, ever since his mouse-hand tendinitis has caused him too much pain to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page in order to get to the current MP3 clinic location.

Won't you support him?

I've already petitioned Dragon to change the name of the forum to: "Microphones. And Hognogger's MP3's."

Looking forward to the name-change.

If we can manage to get the name of the forum changed as you suggest, then I think I can successfully petition certain parties for money to support the gear-lust of members here.

Hognogger is, in fact, a well-known name in Uzbekistan. The endorsements will flow like the best summer wine if we are successful...
What's the reason behind panning the guitar off to the right? I don't see a reason for that. Stereo accoustic would have been nice. The song is very dry. Needs verb.
The song is pretty dry, that's true; thanks for your input. I guess I'm just interested to hear what people think, since I'm a beginner compared to many of the people on this board. My ears are novice ears, and I know that there are people here who I could learn from. I checked out the MP3 clinic, which possibly, I should have posted this to. But I didn't find many replies to songs there that talked much about the mix, or how, perhaps, the mics might have been placed differently, etc... I don't know... I've spent a lot of time, mainly lurking, on this forum, and kind of think of it as my home with respect to this board. But yes, I do admit, it was kind of out of line to post this song here, and I'm happy to take flak for that...

Anyway, back to the recording. There was a touch of reverb on the vocals, but none on the guitar. Just kind of interested to see what people think is OK, and what people think is lacking.

I hope it doesn't come out as being panned to the right, though. It was recorded with two spaced mics. I panned each about 75% l/r...
hognogger said:
I hope it doesn't come out as being panned to the right, though. It was recorded XY with two mics. I panned each about 75% l/r...

Well I hate to say it but the accoustic is definately louder in 1 channel. Not just a little either. I'm not sure how you missed it unless there is a problem with your monitors or ears :D

I guess your mics could be that much different as well
I haven't noticed that, but my hearing isn't as good in my right ear as my left. The mics are matched, so that shouldn't be an issue.

Perhaps it's my mic placement, because both tracks were panned symmetrically, and I didn't do anything else to the guitar track, except for a touch of compression.

I'll check that out. That's exactly the sort of information I was after. Maybe I'll enlist someone else's ears... Thanks for your input. :)
chessrock said:
I've already petitioned Dragon to change the name of the forum to: "Microphones. And Hognogger's MP3's."

Oh... Chessrock...

I have such fond memories. You wrote the following some time ago:

I'm not normally a fan of the V67, but I think it works on your voice in this particular example.

You were such a sweet, helpful guy... What happened to you? Did bitterness strike you? Did you find life troublesome? Perhaps even interminable?

Don't worry... We all care about you here. Your rehabilitation is important to us. After all, we need to suck you dry for your knowledge of microphones, and other things... :)
hognogger said:
Oh... Chessrock...


You were such a sweet, helpful guy... What happened to you? Did bitterness strike you? Did you find life troublesome? Perhaps even interminable?

No, but usually by the time a person has posted here more than 10 times they figure out that there are specific forums to post threads concerning specific topics. You are posting an .mp3, which would most likely fall into the specific forum for posting .mp3's (.mp3 mixing clinic). You apparently have let this kernal of information slip by your enormous brain... I'm assuming that Chess was just trying to point this out to you in a humorous way.

Not to mention that you were begging for it right from the beginning:
hognogger said:
Oh, and if you want to kick me to the kerb for an inappropriate post, feel free. My ass is slavering for your boots... (or something like that...)

Get over it. :rolleyes:

-mr moon
chessrock said:
Anyone else got any MP3's to share?

Hognogger's decided to move the MP3 clinic up here, ever since his mouse-hand tendinitis has caused him too much pain to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page in order to get to the current MP3 clinic location.

Won't you support him?

I've already petitioned Dragon to change the name of the forum to: "Microphones. And Hognogger's MP3's."

damn chess. who died and made you mod?
Hey Moon,

The Hognogger and I are just givin' each other some spirited, yet good-natured, trash-talkin.'

No offense taken on either side -- at least I hope not. :D
Seems lately I can't scroll through a single thread on this forum without it disintegrating into a shit throwing session. :(

I'll reiterate; in this case, the shit is only in the eye of the beholder.

The hognobbler posted an mp3 in the mic forum, so I proceeded to give him shit for it. :D But in a fun way. He then proceeded to give me some much-deserved shit in return.

Alright ... if this were an actual conversation, there would be sarcasm and dramatization in our voices, followed by some laughs and then some more mic discussion. This is an un-moderated forum for the most part, so you have to keep in mind it's not for the sensitive. You have to have a sense of humor.
chessrock said:
Hey Moon,

The Hognogger and I are just givin' each other some spirited, yet good-natured, trash-talkin.'

No offense taken on either side -- at least I hope not. :D

I figured as such, as you were going pretty light on him... so, I thought I'd join in the fun! :D

-mr moon
DC-XPL said:
Seems lately I can't scroll through a single thread on this forum without it disintegrating into a shit throwing session. :(

Sorry. But Chessrock is right... It was all just a bit of fun. I certainly never took any offence at anything he said, and didn't mean to cause anyone genuine offence with my comments. The good-natured shit he gave me was fair enough, by the way, since it was a bit cheeky of me to post my mp3 here.

In the future, I'll post my mp3s to the proper forum. :)