I don't even remember ther being a singing forum here


New member
But cool. I've been attempting to learn, on and off. More on than off here soon.
I bought the Four Pillars of Singing 2.0. Just doing the first four exercises (resonant tracking, track and release and octave sirens) man, what a difference in a couple of weeks. I would suggest long slow octave sirens to anyone that is trying to build up that musculature that it takes to have a big booming powerful voice without moving hardly any air. The sh*t just works. Forget all those goofy hard scales at first and holding one nostril closed while standing upside down on one hand with your left leg at a 38 degree angle or whatever other goofy things I've heard of, and just do some sirens. Twice a day, as long as you can stand it, for a
So is a siren like a scale going for instance: C - C one octave up | D - D one octave up | E - E one octave up | and so forth?
Yes, pretty much, take a breath and come back down again. Then up a note and back down, etc. slowly. Not in any way fast. But you want to start with a proper onset and hold it, you *never* push. In fact, the higher you go, the more you pull back. Your body tells you to push, but you pull back instead. It takes a bit to grasp it, but you will once you do it for a while. It really works the musculature in there. You'll feel it afterwards. It's like doing bench press. It doesn't hurt afterwards, but you definately know it happened.