I dint plan for this


on a friendly Saturday i went to have a beer
feeling oddly out of sorts i faced the wind
soon my mood was up into the place i put my shiny face
then a girl said hey look here we have a meme

in the next table she said this doctor is a hit
and showed me a photo on her phone.
this picture on the screen was true to what i seen
the girl across the table was the doctor

stereo bar noise continued the din
then my friend said hey this guy there is not ok
i see a big guy on a chair and people looking on
a real big guy don't seem to be in charge of his domain

so i watch to see if big guy is okay
then motion over to doctor
hey this guy looks like he needs help
the doctor rises and wades into the kelp

she is waived off and sits back on her chair
says i think they got this
then the big guy is not steady
he goes down on a seat behind the doc

big guy is now in trouble, this is clear for all to see
another round of questions from doc or anyone is not necessary
some more folks come to assist and big guy lays down on his back
then medics come and hoist him up and roll him into the ambulance

the flashing lights and busy folks is not what i came to see
so i head down to the corner bar to see what it has now become
oh yes this place is reeking of young stuff
a random band is on the bill and i so take them in

they played some rnb stuff that reminded me of Yorn
I said this to the drummer
he said who is this Pete Yorn
no sense in me recalling things way before he was born