I desperately need advice plz

The First Don

New member
Can you please help me make a decision?

We have been offered a record deal, but I am really insecure about my voice. Could you please listen to my song and let me know if you think that I should sing or if we should find a vocalist?

I'm pretty indifferent to your response, and I'm pretty good at the guitar, so it's cool if you don't like it, and it won't hurt my feelings. But what's important to me is your truthful opinion, so that the right decision is made for the band.

Please go to www.myspace.com/postalternative

and leave your truthful, professional (or non-professional) opinion of the vocals in the form of a comment, or message.

Or leave your feedback here.

Thanks, I really appreciate your help.
Here's my honest opinion...

It's alright.

Who cares, it's some kind of rock and roll not the fucking ballet
Who cares, it's some kind of rock and roll not the fucking ballet

Without bothering to listen (myspace is blocked at work), if a label is interested in you, then obviously they think you can sing well enough to sell records.

Do you LIKE singing? do you have a fun time being on stage in front of a mic? If yes, then fuck it - go for it, and keep singing yourself. If you don't enjoy it, then maybe look for a vocalist.

Evidently Jimi Hendrix was also very insecure about his voice, and, well, look where that got him. :D
I think you should sing. Your voice is better than that Adam bitch on AI. You have a voice that will lead throngs. The other-worldy quality in those pipes is gold! But you don't care what I think.
I really appreciate the positive comments. I always thought that the labels looked at the vocals. Some of the guys that I am working with got me thinking that I sucked LoL.

I Really like singing alot, but it's more important to me that the right decision is made for the business, which is the band.
how come theres 84 views and only 4 replies (and I'm really glad that you guys did reply, but how come 80 didn't bother to say anything???)

how come theres 84 views and only 4 replies (and I'm really glad that you guys did reply, but how come 80 didn't bother to say anything???)

Myspace is blocked for me.

I was under the impression that if one was offered a record deal, the producer would, basically, call the shots. It seems odd to have an offer on the table for what they've already heard, and then entertain the idea of changing what they would be getting from you (and the band).

Well, in any case, congratulations to you and your band for the opportunity. Hopefully, it will be something you all will enjoy...
A producer doesn't have that kind of authority unless stipulated in the contract. Bands always "out rank" their producer.

The label isn't changing anything.

I am also a producer, while the label will be using their producer with our project...

Basically I trying to determine if this is gonna work, figuratively, from a budget stand point, based on ratios from feedback.

I can't objectively perceive my own voice. The other band members seem to think that we need to bring a vocalist onto the project. I give them a lot of credit in their decisions, however....

I then think, well wtf, I am a vocalist, I was classically trainned (although I have not begain to practice again until recently, and learned how to scream. And then I think well wasn't I good enough to attract a label. I mean, I know the guitar is good and all, but I always thought that they just looked at the vocals as long as the band could play...

So I am trying to get unbiased perspective.

I really appreciate any help.

You can find the same track on soundclick: www.soundclick.com/theblackcircle
The vocals sound alright. It's loud instrumentation so hard to hear exactly detailedly - but I will say that the band members shouldn't be making less of your vocals than their instrumentation. I mean, their instrumentation is okay / alright. I wouldn't go and say they are amazing - I reckon it's all about even from what I hear. The bass is alright - nice in parts but sometimes a little weak like my own bass sometimes sounds which is not good, the drums are well-played, the guitar is good ... But, I listened to four tracks on MySpace and only heard one vocal track ... now my ears hurt from the drums.
Thanks & Here's my two cents...

I can't objectively perceive my own voice. The other band members seem to think that we need to bring a vocalist onto the project. I give them a lot of credit in their decisions, however....

So I am trying to get unbiased perspective.

I really appreciate any help.

You can find the same track on soundclick: www.soundclick.com/theblackcircle

Hi The First Don,

Thanks for the link. I listened to your music, and though it is not my style, esp. lyrics (which is important to me) the version I heard sounded decent - something I might listen to, if I liked the lyrics.

However, here is my honest feedback: (a) I always prefer rock/prog rock/alternative if there are some harmonies in the mix somewhere. Incubus comes to mind, because my son really likes them, and I have actually purchased some of their music for my ipod, which we listen to, when I drive him places he needs to go. The music is interesting, and they have good harmonies, along with that deep, very interesting voice. (b) no offense, but it seems a more earthy, steady vocal would better complement the music style better, but, hey, my feedback is worth about as much as you paid for it!!

If you've been working with your band for some time, they probably have worthwhile feedback, but I can understand you wanting to hear from "objective" listeners.

I figure if a group of people can get together on a regular basis, to work together on music, AND get along, they must have something worthwhile to offer each other. Too many times, egos or other complications muddy everything up, and the music gets left in the sludge. If a group can stay together and produce something that gets a following/makes money, and maybe even gets better as they progress, isn't that the icing on the cake?

Call me sentimental. Good luck to you, whatever you decide.
Beware of a deal that you have to pay up front!

Make sure they put the money up.

Dont take advance money to buy equipment up front! I knew some guys that did that and the deal fell throught the cracks and guess who had to pay the money back.

Bottom line is that they need to put there ass on the line for your band. If they will do that then you shouldnt worry about the risk.

I really dont care for the music. It not my cup of tea. But I would worry about the deal more than how you sound at this point.

I would research till the cows come home before you signed any deal. I would get an attoreney to look at it as well.
It's a legit deal. I had a Music Business Lawyer (refered to us,) A Label Owner, and a CPA review the contracts, and they advised me that it is reasonable and benefical to my career.

The thing about the band. Those tracks are just me. The real drummer (not the drum machine) is skipping out on the deal cuz...

...well he is scared...

The bassist (not featured in the recording) he is new, and a great bassist. I mean really great.

I have been playing with the drummer for 7 months, and the bassist for about 2 weeks.

The drummer has not let me sing in the group this entire time, and I'm kind of pissed cuz as you can hear I really need the practice, and I am assuming that the label liked my voice based off what people are saying about record deals.

The reality is that label offered the deal to me, and I am spending all of my resources and energy into preparing the most professional pre-production package that the physical environment will allow me to deliver (including a professional band --- not easy to find in my demographic --- talk about stress.)

The label fronts everything and recoups through album sales.
Most excellant. I would go for it. Start a music career. I am sure it is a hard road at first like any big step.
how come theres 84 views and only 4 replies (and I'm really glad that you guys did reply, but how come 80 didn't bother to say anything???)
If you look at the site statistics, you will notice an average of 20-30 members and 300 guests. Most of the views were from unregistered guests. It happens.