I Could Use Some Help - Heavy


Alchemy slut
I just finished a song today and I've spent a while mixing it, A/B'ing with music I like and whatnot... I'm just a bit rusty because I haven't mixed anything in a while and I live in an apartment now so I have to mix at low volume. I could use some fresh ears on this track - It's called Strength In Number(s)

Strength In Number(s)

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I'm pretty happy with it overall, I just can't tell whats going on in the low frequencies so the bass guitar and kick levels might be iffy. Right now I'm thinking the bass guitar might need to come up a bit in certain parts. Any comments/critiques are greatly appreciated.

P.S. It's instrumental, but only because I can't sing :)
Hey Neg- sounds pretty good! The bass level seems to sit nicely in the track and you have good overall separation.

If I were to nit pick, I would have to say the crash cymbals just seem a bit "in yo face' loud - and too hard left and hard right, but that's just my tastes. The snare and hat sit very well in the center, good job with on that -- but I think the hats are a tad loud overall especially in relation to your ride cymbal.

Maybe the snare could use just a wee bit more "life" to it? Who knows how it will all play after adding a vox track though.

Woah, at 4 minutes in the whole mix gets pretty distorted in a digital way. I like the reverb on the drums but it's hard to listen to b/c of the digital artifacts.

Good job! The guitars are nicely done - good sounds. I'm digging the double bass action and bass drum sounds great too. Is that all on the Taye kit?

Cheers, Rez
RezN8 said:
Hey Neg- sounds pretty good! The bass level seems to sit nicely in the track and you have good overall separation.

If I were to nit pick, I would have to say the crash cymbals just seem a bit "in yo face' loud - and too hard left and hard right, but that's just my tastes. The snare and hat sit very well in the center, good job with on that -- but I think the hats are a tad loud overall especially in relation to your ride cymbal.

Maybe the snare could use just a wee bit more "life" to it? Who knows how it will all play after adding a vox track though.

Woah, at 4 minutes in the whole mix gets pretty distorted in a digital way. I like the reverb on the drums but it's hard to listen to b/c of the digital artifacts.

Good job! The guitars are nicely done - good sounds. I'm digging the double bass action and bass drum sounds great too. Is that all on the Taye kit?

Cheers, Rez

First of all, Rez you rule thanks for listening. Im glad you pointed out the crashes and hats being too loud, I always have a hard time telling how they are sitting, I'll adjust that.

The snare is a bit flat and I wish it had more attack to it but I didnt take my time tuning or recording it well and it had no body to it so I just ended up compressing the crap out of it. I tried mixing in some of the original uncompressed snare sound but I couldnt make it work.

The distortion at about 4 minutes is just on the bass when it comes in, and I did it on purpose. I was afraid it was making the guitar sound muddy too but I thought my ears might just be a bit overstressed from listening to this song 800 times in a row.

I'm glad you like the drums, it's actually samples I arranged in leafdrums, but yeah its all samples of my Taye kit that I recorded myself, and the cymbals are mine too.

Thanks again for all the input im gonna make some adjustments when my ears calm down a bit.
Sounds pretty good. Whatever you have going on at the 4 minute mark doesn't work for me personally. I was merrily listening along until that shit happened. Lol. Anyway, I think your mix is pretty good. The bass rumbles along nicely and the guitars sound great. I personally like a little more 'boom' to the kick, but I understand this genre uses that clicky kick, and yours sounds pretty on-point. I guess my biggest nits are the snare and cymbal crashes, as mentioned by RezN8. The snare sounds pretty bad - as in dead - and the wide panning of the crashes is unnatural and distracting. As far as I'm concerend, the rest is pretty damn good though. Overall a good job. :)
Greg_L said:
Sounds pretty good. Whatever you have going on at the 4 minute mark doesn't work for me personally. I was merrily listening along until that shit happened. Lol. Anyway, I think your mix is pretty good. The bass rumbles along nicely and the guitars sound great. I personally like a little more 'boom' to the kick, but I understand this genre uses that clicky kick, and yours sounds pretty on-point. I guess my biggest nits are the snare and cymbal crashes, as mentioned by RezN8. The snare sounds pretty bad - as in dead - and the wide panning of the crashes is unnatural and distracting. As far as I'm concerend, the rest is pretty damn good though. Overall a good job. :)

Is it the distortion at the 4 minute mark that you dont like? I'm gonna re record that bass part clean. Thanks for the honest critique, I appreciate it.
No, its not the bass distortion. Thats fine. It's the drums at the 4 minute mark. They go all super-reverby. It doesn't seem to fit. It just sounds weird to me. Just my personal taste. If you like it then by all means keep it that way.
Alright guys I updated the track and reuploaded it. Have a listen if you'd like, and thanks for all the help.
yeah you can send me those samples if you want...... and you know you do..... what series taye kit is it? i've been considering one of them rockpro fusion kits.
BlackHawk2029 said:
yeah you can send me those samples if you want...... and you know you do..... what series taye kit is it? i've been considering one of them rockpro fusion kits.

I've got the StudioMaple, its a badass kit. I love taye's shells, and their hardware is pretty cool too.
Cool tune man...I like it. I can't really find anything I could give you any advice on....it's a fun listen, and I can make out all the parts...good guitar work, and tone, nice bass sounds, and good drums. Cymbals might be a little quiet in comparison to the rest of the drums, but that's more of a personal preference thing...they could get obnoxious if they are too loud.

Nice playing man...
Dogman said:
Cool tune man...I like it. I can't really find anything I could give you any advice on....it's a fun listen, and I can make out all the parts...good guitar work, and tone, nice bass sounds, and good drums. Cymbals might be a little quiet in comparison to the rest of the drums, but that's more of a personal preference thing...they could get obnoxious if they are too loud.

Nice playing man...

It's reassuring that nothing stuck out as needing to be fixed. The cymbals were a little bit harsh before I turned them down some. Thanks for giving it a listen :)