I am lost


New member
Hi everyone. I want to do home recording and don't really know what i need. I have lots of questions. OK, i have cakewalk home studio 9, a new computer with plenty of speed and lots of memory, and some microphones. What else do i need? Also, it seems a bit silly to put a 1/4" plug into a 1/8" adapter, and then into the mic jack in the computer. Is there a better way to do this? Finally, the last time my band recorded, the studio had a mixing board that was somehow connected to the computer program. I think he did volumes and stuff on the mixing board, and did all the copy and paste blah blah blah on the computer. It would be nice to do this because the cakewalk console view is a pain in the a@@. Is this possible at home, or do i even know what i am talking about. Try not to laugh to hard at me. Thanks!

OK, if you're using Cake Walk Home Studio 9, then look into getting an input/output break-out box made by "midi-man".
This little box has 4 1/4" ins and outs, and comes with a PCI card that plugs into your 'puter. Then you can run yourself a mic pre-amp into the inputs on the box, and your mics into the pre-amp.

I used to use this exact set-up before I bought a more sophisticated software. It'll work really well for you, I made a lot of recordings that way.
You can pick up that break out box and its card for not a lot of $$$ too.