I am ed2...here me sing (a cappella)


New member
So this is my first submission to the clinic. It's a change from the regular stuff i do (rock), but it was fun to do.

Details: me -> Rode NTK -> RNP -> Samplitude 7 -> mp3. I added a little compression (4.1:1) since the thing is dynamically all over the map. I didn't EQ it as it seemed pretty good as is: not too boomy, not shrill, etc. I'm pretty disgusted that it clips on "forever" at the end, but that's that. It's just a demo so I'm not going to sweat it.

The 'verb is one of the convolution reverbs that comes with samplitude. I think it was a vocal hall (2.5 sec decay) impulse...I'd have to go back and look. I tried just about every reverb and I can't remember which one I settled on.

Anyway, there it is. You may now continue on with your life. :P
Wow, very impressive vocals. Were you singing to a backing track that you removed or is that all solo?
No backing track. I just set up the mic and went for it. This is the fifth take. I had originally thought I would lay down a bunch of takes and then piece them together. The problem with not using a backing track is that I sang each take in a different key (in retrospect I should have recorded each take along to a scratch track). Half the fun of being a newbie is overlooking the obvious, right? ;)
Nothing wrong with this but it's a bit creepy. You're singing the Lord's Prayer like it's an anthem, a bit weird but entertaining.
LOL! Sorry, dude. Didn't mean to give you the willies.

For what it's worth, I didn't come up with that or anything. Aaron Neville did it 10 years ago. I decided to take it on as a challenge...improve my vocal control. Getting outside the normal rock and roll box every now and again is a good thing.