I am a convert


New member
I just wanted to say...

Spend more on monitors and room treatment.

My mixes are night and day now. I spent $60 on fiberglass for room treatment and $200 for a pair of EMU PM5s (they were on sale from GC). I couldn't have bought a decent microphone for that. But the sounds I am getting are so much better than they used to be.

It's amazing what some room treatment can do. I didn't even go all out and build frames. I just covered 16 rockwool panels with fabric and stapled them to the wall and in the corners (the room is small, and I couldn't spare 2 or 4 inches off the wall).

My mixes are insanely better now.

So thanks to all the senior members who said you should get real monitors and treat your room before you buy a nice microphone or preamp. You guys were right!!!
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glad to hear that you notice the difference.
it's amazing how much money people will spend on gear, but won't take a hundred or two of that and put it towards room treatment.
jmorris said:
What the hell is a rockwool panel?

Rockwool is a dense insulation material ... similar to the rigid fiberglass like Corning 701, and with similar absorptive properties (relatively broadband material, which is why it's often used to control bass and modal frequency issues).

Only drawback is that it isn't as rigid, so it's a little trickier to make panels with them.

seansigep said:
I just wanted to say...

Spend more on monitors and room treatment.

My mixes are night and day now. I spent $60 on fiberglass for room treatment and $200 for a pair of EMU PM5s (they were on sale from GC). I couldn't have bought a decent microphone for that. But the sounds I am getting are so much better than they used to be.

It's amazing what some room treatment can do. I didn't even go all out and build frames. I just covered 16 rockwool panels with fabric and stapled them to the wall and in the corners (the room is small, and I couldn't spare 2 or 4 inches off the wall).

My mixes are insanely better now.

So thanks to all the senior members who said you should get real monitors and treat your room before you buy a nice microphone or preamp. You guys were right!!!

Have you listened to your monitor mixe on lots of different sound systems yet? If not then I wouldnt speak to soon!

My previous mixes were always either too bassy or too present or too this or too that.

My set up used to consist of mixing on bookshelves, then listening on my home theater, my laptop computer, a mono shit speaker, my car, and my headphones (ipod and sonys). Now, obviously, I start with the monitors and then reference them on the other speakers.

The translation from system to system used to be way way different. My home theater would be way too bassy, while my headphones would stab my ears out with high frequency. Now the translation is so much closer than it used to be.

That's how i know the mixes are better.

They may not be professional grade yet, but at least they are translating, which is probably the most important thing for low end home studio owners.
Oh, and about the rockwool. I posted this in the official "where do you get insulation" thread, but I got it from SPI in Hurst, TX. They hooked me up with Rockwool (2 inch) at .47 per square foot, sold in 8 2x4foot panel bundles.

SPI is all over the place, and they sell to the public no problem. They were happy to help me.