hum/buzz on hollowbody with humbuckers


New member
I just recently bought a used hollowbody and am very happy with the overall sound, but have a problem with noise. My patchcord is fine.

The noise can be bad or subtle depending on settings, but I will try to describe the very worst.

The worst case is volume and tone on guitar at full and a nearby flourescent lamp on. If I touch the strings it diminishes slightly, if I touch the metal jacket of my patchchord it goes away almost completely. If I touch both the strings and the jacket of the patchcord it is completely silent.

I know that the transformer of my lamp is making it worse, but it is still there when the lamp is off.

The ground wire is currently under the hinged part of the tremelo where the tremelo is screwed into the body of the guitar. If I touch the hinge it makes no difference.

I am guessing that something in not right with the ground wire, but want your input, as I am by no means experienced with wiring.

There is no easy way to access the wiring since it only has f-holes and no access plates.

Any help or guidance would be appreciated.
anybody have any suggestions? If I pull all of the electronics, should I rewire with all shielded wiring.

Why is it that the hum goes away if I touch the casing of the patch chord?