Hughes & Kettner Warp 7.....


New member
I was wondering if anyboy has had experience with the Hughes & Kettner Warp 7 half stack,.......Im looking to get a cheap, rugged halfstack for heavy metal, punk, & alternatve rock guitar playing,.......and this half stack looks pretty damn good for the price ,..So if you've played it or have it let me know,....

or if you have any comment or suggestions please reply


Hello. A metalhead here.

Well, I played on it with a normally tuned 6 stringed axe.
I WASN'T impressed at all!

Maybe because the Warp 7 is more built and tuned towards 7 string-guitars, I dunno.

The thing sounds fake. Even a Line6 Flextone II sounds way better AND has more tonal options. I think they cost about the same.
Other ''great'' options for cool metalsound:
-Marshall JCM2000 TSL 100(head) or 122(combo).
-Peavey 5150 II (!) not the older version.

If you decide to go on a Amp Modeler-FX-box + amp, skip tube amps. I found out that with my Boss GT-3, transistor amps (especially Roland Jazz Chorus JC-120) work best.
Tube amps make the already simulated sounds more muddy.
But tube amps on their own sound way better.