HS2004xl looping dxi (Fruity/Sonar??)


New member
I'm still having a problem with looping when I have a DXi synth track running. It will loop fine on the first run-through, but when I stop the song and then start again, I get a dropout at the end of the loop. I posted about this a month ago, and none of the suggestions (latency, buffers, pci sharing etc....) have worked.

If I archive the synth track (not the track that I've recorded to, but the one that takes the output of the synth and sends it to analog outs) the problem goes away.
The problem exists with all three dxi synths (edirol, dreamstation, dyad).

Cakewalk support says, yeah, there's a problem with that.

I'm wondering if I should get Sonar, but $400 is a lot to throw at this problem, considering HS has all the functionality I need, otherwise. Another option would be to get Fruityloops, and use it as a plug-in, but I'm wondering how seamless that process would be. Would FL act pretty much like it was part of Cakewalk, or would I be jumping through hoops when going from working with midi in FL and audio in HS?????

Is there a chance that Sonar has this same problem?

Any suggestions or opinions?


Biostar M7NCD
1000 megs ram
athlon xp 1800+
wd 7200
maxtor 7200 8mb for audio
m-audio 24/96
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Tillamook said:
The problem exists with all three dxi synths (edirol, dreamstation, dyad).
I still only have problems with looping when I've set my latency too low and are using alot CPU power.
I've tried messing with the latency, and my CPU usage is always really low.

Here's an interesting response I got when I posted to the Cakewalk forum a month ago:

I have exactly the same problem. After much testing on different machines, there doesnt seem to be a sensible solution.

I have tried 3 different PC solutions with various sound cards.

I was told it was an ACPI problem where IRQs are shared. The PC which has no shared IRQ's doesn't work when looping. My other PC which has shared IRQ's does work.

The working PC is a P4 2.8Ghz Hyper-threading PC with 800 FSB and Dual channel DDR memory. I use it with an Edirol UA20. To get this solution to work, I had to get the latency setting as low as possible. Then increase the number of buffers. This may fix your problem.

I think there is a fault in the Cakewalk audio engine. If you manually play a section, then rewind the track,it plays fine every time. It seems to be something in the looping code where it jumps from the end-point to the start-point. As it starts the loop before it fails, the note being played seems to start higher in pitch then corrects itself. On the next loop the audio engine then 'drops-out'.
How about if I disable ACPI mode? Worth a try? Any risks?

A step for step of how to disable ACPI mode in Windows XP -by Andy Maddock/Cakewalk-

1) Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device
2) Choose View > Resources by Type
3) You'll a list of devices and their respective IRQs.
4) Alternatively you can run MSINFO32 and export the file as .nfo (to view on other XP systems) or as a .txt file.

Although ACPI is designed to allow easy integration of power
management and PCI Bus resources, we have seen numerous cases where disabling ACPI as improved performance and eliminated resource conflicts. Please note that you will need to have all of your device drivers present when doing this, as Windows will re-enumerate your hardware and prompt you for the drivers.

The following lists steps to remove ACPI from your system.

1. Open Device Manager from Control Panel - System - Hardware - Device Manager
2. Go to Computer tab and select the "ACPI enabled PC" option that you have there
a. Select Properties
b. Go to Driver tab
c. Press Update Driver...
3. "Welcome to Upgrade Device Driver" wizard opens up, press next to the first question. From the next page select "Display a list of the known drivers for this device so that I can choose a specific driver"
4. Select "Show all hardware of this device class"
5. From "(Standard computers)" select "Standard PC"
6. After the new driver has been installed press reboot
7. After reboot Windows XP redetects all of your hardware and installs device drivers again for them.
8. After reinstalling device drivers open Device Manager once again and open Computer tab and look if you have two "Standard PC" devices there. If you do have a look at the properties of both "Standard PC" devices and remove the one which has "driver not installed" in the Device Status screen
9. You are done and ACPI is no longer in use with Windows XP

Further information regarding IRQ sharing in Windows XP can be found
at the Microsoft website at:



This wasnt some cheap way to post a song. I understand where songs are posted for feedback on mixing. I dont need any feedback on this song. I was just giving him a link to an example of the software he was asking about.


Thanks, Imalion, and Moskus for your vigilant attempt to keep the forum tidy.

I have the demo of FL and tried it out as a plug-in to HS yesterday. I couldn't get the multiple outs to work (assigning different channels to different tracks in HS) but I will try again today. FL is almost too much fun, I could spend all day making stupid little ditties with the vocal clips that come with it.

BTW, in case anyone is following the saga of my looping problems, I tried the disabling of ACPI mode and it was a complete failure, my computer would not boot except in safe mode.
If your using a demo version, that could be the problem. Many demos has limited features. Perhaps it's multiple outputs has been disabled?
It's supposed to be a fully functional demo, with the exception of saving. I'm probably just missing something, I'm off work today so I can spend some time with it.
You could PM a member of this forum called Paul881. He knows alot about using FL with Sonar. :)
Thanks for the suggestion, but I just got the FL multi-tracks working. As usual, the solution was just too obvious for me to see.

This is amazing to me, how these two programs work together, I think my Tascam 788 might be up for sale pretty soon.

Here is a cool (but long) way to bring in the seperate channels from fruity to cakewalk.

Here is a basic example.

After you have created a song in fruity:

Solo the Kick, then Export as wave.
Solo the snare, then export as wave.
Solo the high hat, then export as wave.

And so on.

Next open Cakewalk.. selct a track, then select import audio and import the kick, then the snare, and so on.

It is a long way of doing things, but it will give you the result you are looking for.

Good Luck.


Thanks but I got it working the way it's supposed to, as a plug-in with the separate channels routed live to the tracks in Cakewalk. When mixdown time comes around, you can just bounce-to-track in Cakewalk to convert the individual tracks to wave tracks. This is so cool, being able to use Cakewalk's synths and effects from FL (and vice versa, I assume). I'm buying FL today.

In HS:

Insert>DXi Synth>IL>Multi Fl Studio Dxi
(not sure why that one drop-down says IL instead of FL, but it does)

This opens a small window with FL logo.

Click on Logo, opens FL

Make a few channel/instruments in FL's Step Sequencer

Click on the Channel button (with the name of inst. on it) ,
this opens up the instrument

On the upper left corner of the instrument window, click the little square with the waveform on it and select "assign free mixer track"

Close instrument window to get rid of clutter.

Still in FL, open Mixer Window

Select first channel by clicking on the part of the mixer with your instrument's name on it, ie: "Kick"

At the bottom of the mixer in the OUT box, select FL 1

Repeat for other instruments, assigning consectutive FL #s , FL2, FL3, etc...

Close FL (since you are running it as a DXi, it won't really close, it just lets you see Cakewalk)

In HS, insert audio track

For input, select Multi FL Studio Dxi FL1

Repeat for as many FL instruments as you have, assigning inputs to consectuctive FL #'s

Voila! you can control pan and volume and who knows what else from Cakewalk.

One more thing, if all you have are FL tracks in Cakewalk, it won't play the sequence, you need to insert a track (midi or audio, record anything, even a bit of dead audio space, then stretch the track to whatever length your song will be by clicking and dragging the track.

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I will try this over the weekend.



Your gonna love the full version of fruity loops. endless possibilities.
I've have the full non-demo version now and I'm off work today and tomorrow!
I've made a few changes to my tutorial as I've found better ways to do things. I just figured out how to use my keyboard to record live into FL, it just keeps getting better.