HS 80 m stereo field problem


New member
Hey guys, i just upgraded from Bx5a to HS 80 m's. and im having a problem with my stereo field. When i used the bx5a everything was perfect center,right and left, but now i bought the 80's and my center now sounds like it is 30 percent to the right. I have both monitors set and the same level, and the eq and control room switches are all set the same to. Im not sure why this is happening, and if anyone can help me that would be great. i have some pictures to


second thread in recording techniques

Hi, "punk"...

Seems your change to the 5" to 8" monitors puts you "on face" with your lack of (room) front wall
symetry(which is very important).Take a Search on "front wall symetry" or something similar ...

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That might be a really good point. You've got a wall on the right and a book case behind the right monitor while the left side is more open. That kind of asymmetry might very well lead to the problem you're describing.

Any way to move things around a bit? Some treatment at your first reflection points right, left and above wouldn't hurt a bit either.
