HR in the wild, where did all the old songs go? and linkrot (not a critique request)


New member
I ran across this skydiving video ( and the music in the video (starts at 45s) reminded me of Greg_L's awesome Christmas tunes. Could even be one of his recordings; I don't know. I wanted to go listen to the other xmas tune's he's done, but upon searching, I found that many of his older ones (2010 and back) are no longer available.

Which brings me to (perhaps) the main point: linkrot makes me sad. :( And being professionally involved with things internet and technical, I know there's no real great solution. I'll likely even contribute to the problem by eventually removing* my own recordings from wherever they're currently scattered about the 'net. But sometimes it would be nice to have the "good stuff" never go away. :thumbs up:

Comments? ID on the song in that video? Please go on...


*"Removing" content on the internet is, of course, not always a conscious decision on the part of the content creator. Yes, it sometimes is deliberately removed by the author, but could also be a lapse in a domain registration or hosting service, or failure/closing of a business that's hosting the content (i.e., Soundcloud didn't used to be a thing, and might not be a thing in the future), or a variety of other reasons.
Holy shit. That does sound like a Greg production. But a few things tell me it's not him. The drumming isn't completely Greg-ish to me. It's also a little too "nice", but still not impossible that he'd do this. But if he posted that recording here, I wouldn't even question that it's him.
That's a bit of a random song for that video :P

I'd think that if Greg wanted his Xmas stuff to be online, it would be on his Soundcloud. Look for one of his posts and click on his signature.
That's why whenever the "where should I host my songs" conversation comes up, I always tend to endorse hosting your mp3s as downloadables somewhere. That way, if we really like the song, we can hang onto it for later. :D

Pretty much every song I've posted here has suffered from link decay. That's part of why I have a designated "current song to preview" link now.

Also, that's definitely not Greg's voice!
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