Hows This?

I like it.

I swore that I heard some amp buzz in the beginning.... :D

The machine gun part at :40 kicked ass.

Where are the vocals?

I think the drums need just a bit more beef. Everything else is sitting really nice in the mix. They are a bit far back.
As usual, you suck, you mellow-ass Englelbert Humperdink loving, Manilow-singing lounge lizard.

:D :D :D

My only comment is I'm surprised at how low the master gain is, and for my limited taste in this genre, more punch iun the drums and bottom in general would make me happier. But JesusHolyMother do you guys play great.
Sounds pretty good. Lots of cool riffage. Not sure if it's meant to remain an instrumental - might want to add some more melodic leads if that's the case.
This should be an improvement.
Thanks for the great criticism guys! :)

Vocals are next.

Ill put an update up when the time comes.
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More oomph & bum in the bass & bass drum please.
the Duane Eddy/Dick Dale line over the machine gunning needs either vol or some EQing to give it some space.
Good too.
Sounds great to me, just as some of the other guys say, the drums could do with being a good bit louder. i think this would add the oomph thats currently missing a little. Perhaps a bit more around 400hz on the bass would thicken it a little, its a little scooped for my taste.

Good work.

Ok just listened to the second mix, it sounds bang on, drums and guitars are great! I'm still hearing the slightly empty bass, a little boost might help it in the mid - lower mid. Thats just looking for something to criticise though, it sounds really good overall.
elementary said:
I'm still hearing the slightly empty bass, a little boost might help it in the mid - lower mid.

Whatcha think it needs....
Mybe a bump in the bass guitar around 200-250 or so?

The guitars are pretty scooped, so there should be lots of room in that area.

Ill do it tonight, and post a new one up.
Really awesome stuff. Guitars are nice, crisp and tight with just the right angst. Can't wait to hear the vox.
Didnt read any of the posts yet. Prefer to come in with fresh view on the mix.

Sounds real nice.
Nice tom work!!
And snare is nice also n kick too.
Tight stuff.

It lacks low end though. Maybe not enough low mids in the guitars just a tad and bring up that low end on the bass a GOOD whack at around 90Hz, but watch you dont get things muddy with the bass guitar so try a thin Q and maybe a dip arounf the muddy area if needed.

A tad too much reverb on the drums IMO but really nice mix.

Good stuff. Prob best mix Ive heard from you yet.
Yea, sounds quite nice.

I agree with the low end. But the thing that affects very heavily on the lowend is the the 650hz-1.5khz region on gtrs (and maby even bit higher towards 2-2.5k). Way more useful would be cutting there than boosting the bass - the lowend IS present there already, just "masked" by the mids. I would suggest experiementing with cuts in that region and you will most likely get alot more balanced sound resulting more bass and meatier mix. Thou some slight boost at 100hz or bit under might be good in addition too. It is a bit hard to tell untill the midrange is tamed.

So IMO the main problem is the 650-1.5khz region than the lack of the bass. You will have to do some cutting at those frequences eventually anways when you are mixing the vocal in. At least my ears tell it will be rather hard to get the vox sit in this mix as it is now.
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Yeah Kainz is right about the mids being a little overpowering in the guitars.
I thought by boosting the low end that would tame the guitars mids but it might be better to control the mids first then add the low end to get the right balance.
